Lukas Herianto1, Najmah2, Santi Maharani3, Sumardi4, Marhamah5
1234Universitas Islam Riau
The problem in this study is about the teacher's problems in implementing the Merdeka Curriculum at MTS Al-Kautsar Bencah Lesung Subdistrict, Sail Village, Pekanbaru Riau. This study aims to determine what are the problems of teachers in implementing the Merdeka curriculum at MTS Al-Kautsar Bencah Lesung, Kel Sail, Pekanbaru Riau. This research uses qualitative methods. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. As for analyzing data using data reduction, data presentation, and verification. From the results of the study, it shows that the teacher in implementing the Merdeka curriculum has not been maximized. The lack of maximization of the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum is due to teachers who do not understand the existence of the Merdeka curriculum, of the 61 teachers interviewed, it was found that some teachers had problems due to the teacher's unpreparedness in implementing the independent curriculum, as well as the lack of support from people and society, especially from parents of students.
Keywords: Problematics, Implementation of Independent Curriculum
The curriculum is one of the elements of educational resources that makes a significant contribution to realizing the process of developing the quality of students' potential. National education is currently required to adjust to the development of the 4.0 revolution. Human Resources (HR) in Indonesia need to be improved. This is intended so that in the future it has an increasingly advanced quality of human resources. With the advancement of technology that is growing rapidly at this time, it is also expected that Indonesian education will experience changes. Quality education is something very valuable and a must, because education plays a very fundamental role in which the ideals of the nation and state can be achieved (Baro'ah, 2020). With the current globalization and advances in information and technology, education will be increasingly faced with various challenges and problems. Therefore, development in the education sector needs to be designed as well as possible so that various challenges and problems can be overcome. The government also continues to strive to improve the quality or quality of education in following the process of changing times.
The Indonesian education system, which has been built from the past until now, has not been able to fully answer the needs and global challenges for the future. Mapping programs and improving the quality of education are still a prominent problem in the world of education in Indonesia today. Based on the results of UN development (UNDP) in 2000, the quality of Indonesian human resources ranks 109th out of 174 countries. With such problems, efforts to build quality human resources that are highly competitive, knowledgeable in science and technology, and moral and cultured must be carried out. One of them is by updating the curriculum. The curriculum has a very important position in education. With this curriculum, it can be a way or reference to organize and direct so that educational goals can be achieved and not deviate from the planned goals. In the era of the 4.0 revolution that is developing today, the minister of education Mr. Nadiem Makarim has made a new policy, namely "Merdeka Belajar". With the independent learning policy, it is hoped that it can improve the quality of human resources and efforts to improve the national education system that is ready for the challenges of the times. The independent curriculum implemented at this time is also an effort by the Ministry of Education and Culture to overcome the learning crisis that has long been faced due to the pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred affected the learning crisis which was characterized by low student learning outcomes and low student learning quality. The curriculum is very influential on the course of education that is implemented. If a curriculum is well designed and supported by adequate facilities and infrastructure, it will encourage and make it easier for teachers to teach and students will find it easier to go through it, and the quality of teachers and students will improve. The purpose of the independent curriculum is not only to catch up with learning due to the pandemic, but also so that education in Indonesia can be like developed countries, where students have the freedom to choose according to what they are interested in. With this, the purpose of this article is to provide information about the independent learning curriculum that is implemented as an effort to restore learning in Indonesia today and how the concept of the independent learning curriculum and its implementation.
The research object can be stated as a research social situation that wants to know what happens in it. In this research object, researchers can observe in depth the activities (Activity) of people (Actors) in a particular place (Place) (Sugiyono, 2014: 49). This research was conducted. By taking the school at MTS Al-Kautsar, Bencah Lesung District, Sail Village, Pekanbaru Riau. This research uses qualitative methods. Qualitative research methods are research methods used to cover the conditions of natural objects, where researchers are key instruments, data collection techniques are tringulated (combined, data analysis is inductive, and qualitative research results emphasize meaning rather than generalization (Sugiyono, 2014: 1).
In this study, the focus of research is: What are the problems faced by teachers in implementing the Merdeka curriculum. Research informants are people who are used to provide information. The informants in this study are teachers in schools that implement the Merdeka curriculum itself. as for the informants in each school are 5 teachers. The data source is the subject from which the data is obtained, as for the Data Source seen from the data source can use Primary and Secondary Sources. To collect data, a qualitative data collection method will be used. The data collection methods used in this study include: Observation Nasution in Sugiyono (2014: 64) states that observation is the basis of all science. Scientists can only work based on data, namely facts about the world of reality obtained through observation. Meanwhile, Riduwan (2004: 104) says that observation is a data collection technique, where the researcher makes direct observations of the research object to see up close the activities being carried out. In this case, the researcher observes the teachers who carry out learning using the Merdeka curriculum at MTS Al-Kautsar, Bencah Lesung District, Sail Village, Pekanbaru Riau.
Interview is a way of collecting information material that is carried out by oral question and answer unilaterally face to face, and with predetermined directions and objectives. Esterberg (2002) in Sugiyono (2014: 72) Data Analysis Techniques, data analysis in qualitative research is carried out during data collection, and after completion of data collection within a certain period. According to Miles and Huberman in Sugiyono (2014: 91), activities in qualitative analysis are carried out interactively and take place continuously until completion, namely data reduction, data display, and verification and confirmation of conclusions.
Description of Research Object
This research took place in Bencah Lesung District, Sail Village, Pekanbaru Riau. Bencah Lesung District is one of the areas where every public school implements the Merdeka curriculum, including MTS Al-Kautsar.
General Description of Research Subjects
The subjects in the research on teacher problems in implementing the Merdeka curriculum at MTS Al-Kautsar, Bencah Lesung Subdistrict, Sail Village, Pekanbaru Riau are teachers at MTS Al-Kautsar school who implement the Merdeka curriculum itself, totaling 61 people (teachers).
Interview questions about the problems of the independent curriculum: do you respond to the introduction of the Independent Curriculum at this educational institution?
2.What challenges do you face in its implementation. Has the ustad experienced some obstacles so far?
3.How do you overcome these obstacles?
4.Are there any other obstacles you face in implementing the Merdeka Curriculum?
5.Is there a special strategy that you apply to overcome this? do you see the potential of the Merdeka Curriculum in improving the quality of education in Indonesia?
From the results of the research and analysis above, it is known that the problems that exist in implementing the independent curriculum are teacher unpreparedness, lack of training related to the Independent Curriculum, lack of facilities and infrastructure, and a less than optimal learning system.
From all interviews conducted by researchers to teaching teachers and parents of students and the community, they said that the learning process or the application of independent curriculum-based learning in d schools in Bencah lesung District was not optimal because of problems that focused on teacher problems, including that most teachers still did not understand implementing the TP-TP for each subject, developing indicators, integrating each TP or indicator, lesson plans, LKPD, teaching materials / about material development, media, assessment instruments, rubrics, and ATP (flow of learning objectives).
Based on the results of this study, the researcher can describe that the Teacher's Problems in Implementing the Independent Curriculum at MTS in Bencah Lesung District, have not been maximized due to teacher problems including, teachers do not understand the existence of an independent curriculum, teachers do not understand the attitude assessment process, teachers are not ready for changes including new terms in this independent curriculum.
Not understanding the skills and knowledge assessment system, lack of supporting books, students feel pressured by learning the Merdeka curriculum, there is no support from parents, and teachers are not used to compiling ATP, especially TP, referring to competency mapping. Competency mapping makes it easier for teachers to develop TP with performance indicators.
Based on the results of the research conducted on the problems of teachers in implementing the Merdeka curriculum at MTS in Bencah Lesung sub-district, the researcher draws the conclusion that the teachers' problems in implementing the Merdeka curriculum are the unpreparedness of teachers who still do not understand the implementation of the TP-TP for each subject, developing indicators, integrating TP or indicators, lesson plans, LKPD, teaching materials, learning media, assessment instruments, rubrics, and ATP, teachers' lack of understanding of the attitude and knowledge assessment process and the skills assessment system, lack of support from parents of students, students feel pressured by learning the Merdeka Curriculum And teachers are not used to compiling ATP, especially TP that refers to competency mapping. Thus, efforts are needed to improve teachers' understanding and readiness, get better support from parents, and improve their skills in preparing ATPs with reference to competency mapping.
1.In order to maximize learning based on the Merdeka curriculum, people who are able to carry out tasks according to their functions so that the results achieved are maximized, in this case, teachers and other staff.
2.Socialization sessions for parents of students about the importance of supporting learning with the Merdeka Curriculum. Parental support can greatly affect student motivation and performance.
3.Cooperate with related institutions, such as the Education Office, teacher training institutions, or schools that have successfully implemented the Merdeka curriculum well, to exchange experiences and get more in-depth advice.
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