3. The Development of Creative Digital Content to Promote the Service through Social Media: the Effort of Librarian to Bridge Distance Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Ganesha Education University by Ni Putu Pramita Utami
4. Library Transformation of the Directorate General of Health Personnel Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia towards Services Based on Social Inclusion by Nadia Amelia QurrotaA'yunin, S.Hum
5. School Library Efforts in Meeting the Information Needs of Visually-Impaired Students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia by Ana Pujiastuti, Kartika, M. Ikhsanuddin Muas
6. Micro Library Stands for Community Resilience Using Local Resources: an SDGs Outcomes of Public Participation Practice in Ngadiharjo Village, Magelang, Indonesia by Nisa Adelia, and Amelia Marihesya
7. The Effectiveness of Library Promotion through Instagram during a Pandemic for the Z Generation by Ihwan Hariyanto, Widia Permana, and Maria Swista Dewi
8. The librarian's self-efficacy maintains mental health in the face of service innovation in the new normal era by Nanik Arkiyah
9. Interpersonal Approach on OJT to Smoothen Adjustment During and Post Covid by Septian Sugara
10. Does the Covid-19 Outbreak Really Attack Librarians' Stress, Mental Health, and Welfare? by Nabila Ekananda L.
11. PS V.2-Challenges of Academic Librarians as Content Creators: Coping Stress Analysis by Atin Istiarni Â
12. The Benefits of the Virtual Sharing as the Regular Program in Preparing Youth to Get Ready to Work and Face Global Competition by Christinia Minarso, and Widia Permana
13. Change Management and Special Autonomy Paradigm: Opportunities and Challenges of Human Resources in Digital Literacy Implementation in Indonesian Regional Libraries by Indah Rachma Cahyani and M. Irvanni Bahri