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Adelina Pangestu
Adelina Pangestu Mohon Tunggu... Undergraduate Language and Literature Student

English Translator | Document Translation Skills • Undergraduate Language and English Literature Student at Negeri Padang University



Ilmu Sosbud

Lanjutan Terjemahan Buku Tuanku Nan Renceh Hal 93-111

6 September 2024   17:53 Diperbarui: 13 September 2024   15:59 95
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Based on the analysis and current conditions, I see that the use of the term Parik Paga Nagari, in the structure of the nagari government in West Sumatra is one form of legacy of terms from the Paderi era. Parik paga (ditch or ditch and fence) of the nagari in this era was intended for a group of young people who were appointed as security, guarding the nagari from various disturbances and threats.

The weapons used by the Paderi group to fight the Dutch included rifles like those owned by the Dutch, only the model and year of manufacture were more outdated than the weapons used by the Dutch army. Other weapons used were spears, swords, kelewang, blowpipes, rope slings and other traditional weapons. The rifles used were mostly made in Sungai Pua.

Several other types of 'traditional' weapons that are commonly known and most widely used are swords, spears, mines, sejwa, rope slings, keris, rencong, knives, cinangke, damaq, sakin, kulipah, and others. Knives, keris and swords have become 'clothes' for the Paderi. This means that these types of weapons were almost always carried or tucked into the waists of the Padri fighters wherever they went.

The types of sophisticated (modern) weapons owned and used by the Padri are half-guns (also called rifles or rifles) and cannons. Even though these two weapons are often referred to as modern weapons, during the Padri War, these two types of weapons were not new to the Padri fighters. Rifles or cannons have long been known to the Minang people. These two types of weapons were commonly used by the Minang people in the 17th century, or were even used in the 16th century. Shotguns or cannons are commonly used by Minang people to welcome or send off guests.

The tenth chapter, then from that the company returned home from war in Koto Baharu in the land of Agam and the company came to Sinen and the people of Koto Baharu had the title Tuanku Nan Renceh. And many of the company's companies died in the war in Koto Baharu, and the company all fled and only one company cannon remained in Koto Baharu. (Tuanku Imam Bonjol Manuscript)

Here it is clearly depicted how the power of Tuanku Nan Renceh was able to defeat the Dutch troops in Koto Baru. In a desperate situation, they left the cannon which was then taken by the Paderi group. In addition, there are also historical cannon relics from the Paderi group in Kumpulan, Bonjol. With condition submerged in a river. This cannon was a result of looting from the hands of the Dutch.

Mines are a type of weapon of the Padri people that are often mentioned by Dutch writers. This type of weapon received special attention because it was very feared and proven effective in facing and making it difficult for the enemy. There are types of mines foot mines, belly mines, hole mines, body mines.

Setengga or bedil is a 'modern' weapon that is widely owned and used by Paderi fighters. In Tuanku Imam Bonjol's notes, Tuanku Imam himself mentioned that in the attack on Suliki his troops were equipped with 300 guns. When attacking Rao and Rokan he brought 250 guns. Even when attacking Malalak he brought 7,050 guns.

Each party involved in the Paderi War actually had capable weapons and great war strategies. This can be said to be one of the reasons why this war lasted so long. It was so difficult for each party to defeat their opponent. The Paderi, in addition to having many soldiers, brave and militant, also had a sophisticated weapons system and self-protection system, as well as a precise war strategy.

Supporting and helping each other in defending the nagari is a strong value that is united in the struggle of the Paderi group. Tuanku Nan Renceh helped his foster son Tuanku Imam Bonjol's weapons needs. A cannon, twenty rifles, medicines and bullets were sent from Kamang. All Padri bases were involved in defending and helping other bases in need.

The Agam and Lima Puluh Kota areas were controlled by Tuanku Nan Renceh. These two areas became Padri base areas. The village heads were previously appointed by the penghulu assembly. However, after Tuanku Nan Renceh came to power, they were appointed by the Tuanku with the implementation of Islamic rules. Meanwhile, for the Tanah Datar area, the Padri's expansion efforts were not as smooth as in Agam and Lima Puluh Kota.

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