Scientists from PAN Asia Pacific, PAN Germany and PAN North America estimated about 385 million cases of unintentional acute pesticide poisonings each year, mainly occupational, and including 11,000 deaths
Sekitar 385 juta kasus keracunan pestisida akut yang tidak disengaja setiap tahun, terutama di tempat kerja, dan termasuk 11.000 kematian.
 Huge increase from the estimated 25 million cases reported  in 1990.
Peningkatan besar dari perkiraan 25 juta kasus yang dilaporkan pada tahun 1990.
57 % Â of studies were self-reported to field researchers
57% studi dilaporkan sendiri ke peneliti lapangan
*Boedeker W, Watts M, Clausing P, Marquez E. 2020. Â The global distribution of unintentional acute pesticide poisoning: estimations based on a systematic review. BMC Public Health 20:1875. Â
Environmental impacts of pesticides
Kesan pestisida terhadap alam sekitar
Declining bee populations pose a threat to global agriculture
1 treated corn seed contains enough neonicotinoid to kill > 80,000 honey bees.
1 biji jagung yang diolah mengandung cukup neonicotinoid untuk membunuh > 80.000 lebah madu.
Bird populations have declined 20-25% Â - pesticides
Populasi burung telah menurun 20-25%