Mengakhiri tulisan ini, mari menyimak pesan penting Robert P. Murphy dalam bukunya yang berjudul Lesson for the Young Economist:
It really doesn't matter if the man on the street thinks quantum mechanics is hoax; the physicists can go on with their research without the approval of the average Joe. But if most people believe the minimum wage laws help the poor, or that low interest rates cure a recession, then the trained economists are helpless to avert the damage that these policies will inflict society.
Oleh Zihaul Abdi | Ilmu Ekonomi 2016 | Staf Divisi Kajian KANOPI 2017
TheMyth of the Rational Voter Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies by Bryan Caplan.
RationalIgnorance vs. Rational Irrationality
Economics and voter irrationality: my review of The Myth of theRational Voter by Andrew Gelman
The Irrational Consumer: Why Economics Is Dead Wrong About HowWe Make Choices
The Myth Of The Irrational Voter
We're rarely rational when we vote because we're rarelyrational, period