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Jessica Marpaung
Jessica Marpaung Mohon Tunggu... Lainnya - Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Industri

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Application of Phase Analysis in the Production of Cleaning Production Home Industry in North Labuhan Batu Regency

28 November 2020   10:47 Diperbarui: 28 November 2020   10:51 121
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The calculation results of all control limits can be used to create a Control p-Chart. Using the help of the Microsoft Excel program, the following  Figure 1 Control p-Chart is created:

Dok. pribadi
Dok. pribadi
Based on Figure 1, it can be concluded that the production of cleaning products for one year from November 2019 to October 2020 has a fluctuating and irregular dot pattern in the Contol p-Chart. Some are within the limits of control and some are outside the limits of control. At point 10 (in August) there was a very significant increase and occurred every month in the defects of the products produced. This shows that there are still many irregularities in controlling the quality of cleaning products.

Deviation that occurs outside the control limit as at point 12 (in October). Because the resulting product still has many shortcomings under the A3 standard. Deviations are caused by variations in the factors of workers, raw materials, machines, work methods/methods, environment and others.

On figure 1, from the given Production Data pattern, there is always an increase in product defects at the end of the year, most likely due to the influence of weather. However, to find out the cause, the business owner still needs to carry out further analysis of the causes of the deviations that have been seen in the Control p-Chart.

Therefore, the Analyze Phase Control p-Chart has achieved its goal, so we know that the defect level of the product is below A3. So that business owners need to pay attention to product packaging and product fluids to reduce defects.


From this research it can be concluded that with the Control p-Chart analysis, it is known that the quality of cleaning products produced by the Home Industry in North Labuhan Batu Regency is quite 

controlled. However, more intense monitoring is needed at the end of the year. Here's some advice for business owners:

1. Always make documentation the activities of each production process carried out in each processing and packaging section. So that each activity can be evaluated and corrective action is taken for the next production process.

2. Provide direction and supervision to employees in each part of the packaging so that if it is in the rainy season, do the packaging in a closed room so that rainwater does not enter the bottle and does not interfere with the quality of the product liquid.


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