The global hegemon
Keeps global order (sets global norms) with its overwhelming military power and
Maintains systemic stability with its overwhelming economic power
The New International Normal : Regional Clusters
Will china become the next hegemon, replacing the USA that had replaced the UK? No because India is rising too→no more global hegemon outcome in future.
For the multi-polar world, 800 worldwide military bases by each major power is too dangerously accident-prone→national security objective is met by dividing the world into spheres of influence e.g. US chronic agitation over cuba, China reaches into the South China Sea.       Â
SDSN Projects to reduce tensions in cold war 2.0
The national security objective is driven primarily by mutual distrust about each other’s intentions, so SDSN designs US-China projects with win-win outcomes to build trust between US and China
SDSN trust-building activities include US-China cooperation to fight climate change, preserve bio-diversity, and expand good parts of globalization.
Terjemahan :
   C. Normal Internasional Baru