Mohon tunggu...
Jack Soetopo
Jack Soetopo Mohon Tunggu... -

Pensiunan Tk Becak, berasal dari Bolaang Mongondow, Sulawesi Utara yang kini tinggal di Denpasar, Bali.\r\nemail, or Please dial (571) 306-1588 or tinggalkan Pesan...................\r\\r\\r\n” What we think determines who we are. Who we are determines what we do. The actions of men or women are the best interpreters of their thoughts.”\r\nOur Thought determine our destiny. Our destiny determines our legacy.By John Locke.\r\n




Doktrin Atas Vs Doktrin Bawah, Siapa Yang Menang?

25 Mei 2013   09:42 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   13:03 308
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Politik. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Freepik

Kini partai ini dan cyber armynya harus menelan kekalahan yang telak. Mereka memasuki 5 stages of grief.

Apa itu?
Menurut pakar Dr Christina Hibbirt seperti ini
Dealing with grief is no easy task. As someone well-acquainted with death and loss, I know firsthand. Loss visits us all in one form or another, and where loss is, grief is sure to follow. But, take it from me—the only way to deal with grief is to really deal with grief.

First, let’s just try to understand the grief process. As one expert has said, “Grief is the process that allows us to let go of that which was and be ready for that which is to come.”[i] That’s the purpose of grief work—it helps us move on. There are several models of grief that can provide a framework for what to expect and can help us “move on”. One of the most well-known models of is “The 5 Stages of Grief,” originally developed by the late (and great) Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. Most of us have heard of this model, but what do these stages really mean? Let’s take a look.

The 5 Stages of Grief

Dimanakah partai, kader2, serta cyber army nya berada?

Silahkan pembaca yang budiman yang mengambil kesimpulannya.

Salam ACDC

Jack Soetopo

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Mohon tunggu...

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