/5/ Lihat berita “Dokter yang sebut LGBT penyakit jiwa minta maaf”, Rappler.com, 24 Maret 2016, pada http://www.rappler.com/indonesia/126952-fidiansyah-minta-maaf-lgbt-penyakit-jiwa.
/6/ Lihat Agus Lukman, “Diprotes Asosiasi Psikiater Amerika Soal LGBT, Ini Tanggapan PDSKJI”, KBR, 17 Maret 2016, pada http://m.portalkbr.com/nasional/03-2016/diprotes__asosiasi_psikiater_amerika_soal_lgbt__ini_tanggapan_pdskji/79483.html.
/7/ Lihat reportase Robert Barnes, “Supreme Court rules gay couples nationwide have a right to marry”, The Washington Post, 26 June 2015, pada http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/gay-marriage-and-other-major-rulings-at-the-supreme-court/2015/06/25/ef75a120-1b6d-11e5-bd7f-4611a60dd8e5_story.html.
/8/ Lihat Pew Research Center, “Section 2: Knowing Gays and Lesbians, Religious Conflicts, Beliefs about Homosexuality. Gay or Lesbian Friends and Support for Same-Sex Marriage ”, Pew Research Center, 8 June 2015, pada http://www.people-press.org/2015/06/08/section-2-knowing-gays-and-lesbians-religious-conflicts-beliefs-about-homosexuality/.
/9/ Lihat berita “Sikap PGI terhadap Pernikahan Sesama Jenis”, Jawaban.com, 1 Juli 2015, pada http://www.jawaban.com/read/article/id/2015/07/01/90/150701115541/Sikap-PGI-Terhadap-Pernikahan-Sesama-Jenis.
/10/ Lihat berita “PGI: Gereja Tak Restui Pernikahan Sejenis”, Republika Online, 10 Juli 2015, pada http://www.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/umum/15/07/10/nr9qur-pgi-gereja-tak-restui-pernikahan-sejenis.
/11/ Lihat reportase “Gereja Katolik Tidak Mengakui Perkawinan Sejenis”, Suara Indonesia Baru, 5 Juli 2015, pada http://hariansib.co/mobile/?open=content&id=66400.
/12/ Untuk makalah ilmiah penemuan ini, lihat M. Azim Surani, Naoko Irie, Leehee Weinberger, et al., “SOX17 Is a Critical Specifier of Human Primordial Germ Cell Fate, Cell, Vol. 160, Issues 1-2, 15 January 2015, hlm. 253-268, pada http://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674%2814%2901583-9; lihat reportase populer BBC Crew, “Two-dad babies could soon be a reality: Scientists have made human egg and sperm cells using skin from adults of the same sex”, Science Alert, 25 February 2015, pada http://www.sciencealert.com/two-dad-babies-could-soon-be-a-reality.
/13/ John L. Allen, Jr., “Pope on Homosexual: ‘Who Am I to Judge?’”, National Catholic Reporter, 29 July 2013, pada http://ncronline.org/blogs/ncr-today/pope-homosexuals-who-am-i-judge.
/14/ Lihat reportase Jenn Selby, “Pope Francis Named ‘Person of the Year’ by Leading Gay Rights Magazine”, The Independent, 17 December 2013, pada http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/pope-francis-named-person-of-the-year-by-leading-gay-rights-magazine-9009729.html.
/15/ Lihat video berita “Why Gay Marriage Poses A ‘Difficult’ Problem for Pope Francis”, The Huffington Post, 1 June 2015, pada http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/01/pope-francis-gay-marriage_n_7484106.html.