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Active on Environment Campaign since 2013 I am a climate tracker for Adopt a Negotiator and i am also a Sobat Bumi Indonesia member.




All The Delegates COP 21 Should be Know It! Help Us!

6 Agustus 2015   15:40 Diperbarui: 6 Agustus 2015   15:55 48
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[caption caption="hope the COP 21 make a change for better future"][/caption]

"God created the earth and everything in it that is extraordinary, but Human otherwise damaging the earth and everything by extraordinary"

There have been many natural disasters are very strange and relatively new place in the world that led to the inability of humans to adapt quickly resulting human safety is threatened. Heat wave occurred in India and Pakistan where the temperature reaches 49ºC killed 2000 people, and the same disaster in Iraq should be declared a national holiday for 4 days as well as the fate of its neighbors, namely Iran with temperatures reaching 74ºC. Not only that, in Myanmar is experiencing the largest flood disaster throughout its history. Experts argue that climate change is one of the main factors causing this natural disaster.

Climate change is basically a natural. However, as a result of human activity that releases large amounts of greenhouse gases, one of which is carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, causing the increase in the average temperature of the earth that is not fair, called Global Warming. Greenhouse gases are naturally essential for life on earth. Without them, we can not live because the earth would be too cold. However, their number is too much and the global temperature increase makes the climate became unstable, and the health of global ecosystems are in danger of extinction to be able to influence that will happen more quickly.

According Catherin Thomassan, Executive Director of Physicians for Social Responsibility, "climate change" is a major issue in global health in the 21st century. Disasters due to climate change is causing social vulnerability, including the threat of starvation. Famine now threatens 800 million people worldwide. Of that amount, 170 million people under the age of five years. That is, now many cases of malnutrition that destroy the hope for future generations.

The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre of the Norwegian Refugee Council reports that more than 19.3 million people in 100 countries have been displaced in 2014 due to natural disasters, such as floods, hurricanes and earthquakes. Norwegian Refugee Agency Internal Displacement Monitoring Center reported an average of 22.5 million people have been displaced due to climate or weather-related disasters every year since 2008. Of that number, 87 percent are in Asia, which is home to 60 percent of the world's population. Including Indonesia which 78% are affected by climate change.

Dody Sukadri, Low Carbon Development Adviser of the National Council on Climate Change (DNPI), said about 75 to 80 percent of the total disaster that occurred in Indonesia, occurred as a result of the effects of climate change. Climate change has happened in a number of regions in Indonesia, among other things the city, the northern coast of Java Island (Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang), parts of East Java and Nusa Tenggara. Deputy Climatology BMKG said Widodo Sulistyo Until next September, some areas of Indonesia are expected to be hit by prolonged drought. The climate becomes higher uncertainty potentially threaten the food security of Indonesia as an agricultural country.

The impact of El Nino that the surface temperature of sea water so that the wind is blowing does not carry water vapor causes some areas of Indonesia affected by drought. El Nino level moderat have been attacked around 50% in Indonesia to make the city of Bogor as a rainy city did not escape the drought. National Disaster Management Agency recorded at least 16 provinces covering 102 districts and towns and 721 districts in Indonesia suffered drought since May 2015. Drought also affects an estimated 300,000 hectares of rice fields and 60,000 hectares or 20% of them experienced a crop failure. In the field of forestry El Nino causing forest fires and peat land area of 1264.75 hectares in Riau and Riau Province by health authorities led to sedikitya 3,373 residents who suffer from diseases caused by fire smoke pollution.

In addition to the wave of El Nino, Indonesia experienced a strange disaster that is very rare in the history of the hail. Medan, Sunday, July 26, 2015 around 13:30 pm The hail lasted about 30 minutes and turn Aceh was hit by hail in two villages in the district of Kuta Cot Glie, Aceh Besar district on Sunday (08/02/2015). Previous hail also occurred in Papua on December 3 to July 5, 2015 that struck 21 villages and six districts and three counties. The temperature reaching on -2ºC and 11 people passed away and at least 20,160 families experiencing hunger because their crops have drought and decay. Not a few residents reported diarrhea by eating food agriculture is affected by hail. This condition is exacerbated because the weather is not conducive to distribute food aid and other basic necessities by air, if using a landline by walking will take a period of 10 days.

Quite clear that climate change is affecting the safety of humanity and Climate seemed indiscriminate where he will act, on a medium rich and poor countries will be affected though. The issue of climate change is not an issue in the environmental sector alone but the issue all sectors. It is desirable to know the world leader catastrophe that threatens mankind.

Conference of the parties (COP) is the supreme authority within the UN framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC). COP is a gathering of the world that can be a forum to make major changes in the field of environment. The main objective of the establishment of the climate change convention is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to keep the world's climate. At the 2015 meeting of the 21st to be held in Paris in November. Through COP 21 Paris, hopefully the realization of the world's commitment to make the issue of climate change is a major issue that must be addressed for the sake of the safety of the people in the world.

Do not let the people of Papua to learn the hard way what it means to delay the handling of the problem of fossil fuel emissions. Perhaps they would be better prepared and stronger to adapt, but they will be surprised if you see a regular annual meetings continue no more merely ceremonial that does not make the results mean for mankind, and climate change continue to run with malignant because they are unable to account for sin which makes the life of mankind is threatened.

 "let’s do changes early because of disaster climate change is not the thing for inherited"

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