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illyas dede saputra
illyas dede saputra Mohon Tunggu... -

Active on Environment Campaign since 2013 I am a climate tracker for Adopt a Negotiator and i am also a Sobat Bumi Indonesia member.




All The Delegates COP 21 Should be Know It! Help Us!

6 Agustus 2015   15:40 Diperbarui: 6 Agustus 2015   15:55 48
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Do not let the people of Papua to learn the hard way what it means to delay the handling of the problem of fossil fuel emissions. Perhaps they would be better prepared and stronger to adapt, but they will be surprised if you see a regular annual meetings continue no more merely ceremonial that does not make the results mean for mankind, and climate change continue to run with malignant because they are unable to account for sin which makes the life of mankind is threatened.

 "let’s do changes early because of disaster climate change is not the thing for inherited"

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