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Saya mahasiswa UNP 2021 Jurusan Sastra Inggris



Ruang Kelas

Translation Indo-Eng Buku Kinantan Melintas Zaman

6 September 2024   17:01 Diperbarui: 6 September 2024   17:23 49
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1. Pemerintah
   - Terjemahan: Government  
   - Arti: The system or group of people who govern a country or region.

2. Kebun binatang
   - Terjemahan: Zoo  
   - Arti: A facility where animals are kept and displayed for public viewing.

3. Kenangan
   - Terjemahan:Memory  
   - Arti: Recollection of past events or experiences.

4. Kelahiran  
   - Terjemahan: Birth  
   - Arti: The act or process of being born.

5. Objek wisata  
   - Terjemahan: Tourist attraction  
   - Arti: A place or site that is visited for enjoyment or interest.

6. Sanak famili  
   - Terjemahan: Relatives  
   - Arti: Family members or close relations.

7. Jeruji pagar  
   - Terjemahan: Barred fence  
   - Arti: A fence with metal bars, often used to restrict access.

8. Kawat besi  
   - Terjemahan: Iron wire  
   - Arti: Thin, flexible strands of iron, used in various applications.

9. Petugas keamanan  
   - Terjemahan: Security officer  
   - Arti: A person responsible for ensuring safety and security.

10. Deteksi  
    - Terjemahan: Detection  
    - Arti: The process of discovering or identifying something.

11. Pamole
    - Terjemahan: Lazy
    - Arti: The act of spending time with someone romantically.

12. Jam Gadang  
    - Terjemahan: Big Clock (landmark in Bukittinggi)  
    - Arti: A large clock tower located in Bukittinggi, Indonesia.

13. Jalan Minangkabau  
    - Terjemahan: Minangkabau road  
    - Arti: A road named after the Minangkabau people or region.

14. Pengamen
    - Terjemahan: Street performer  
    - Arti: A person who performs on the street for tips.

15. Preman  
    - Terjemahan: Thug  
    - Arti: A person who engages in criminal activities or extortion.

16. Kantong plastik
    - Terjemahan: Plastic bag  
    - Arti: A flexible container made of plastic, used for carrying items.

17. Sumbangan  
    - Terjemahan: Donation  
    - Arti: Something given to help others, usually money or goods.

18. Instagramable  
    - Terjemahan: Instagram-worthy  
    - Arti: Suitable for taking pictures to post on Instagram or other social media.

19. Spot
    - Terjemahan: Spot (place or location)  
    - Arti: A particular place or location.

20. Swafoto  
    - Terjemahan: Selfie  
    - Arti: A photograph taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone.

21. Cikal bakal
    - Terjemahan: Forerunner / Origin  
    - Arti: The initial or earliest form from which something develops.

22. Kebun bunga  
    - Terjemahan: Flower garden  
    - Arti:** A garden where flowers are grown and displayed.

23. Stormpark  
    - Terjemahan: Stormpark (historical name)  
    - Arti: The original name of the site, used in historical context.

24. Bukit
    - Terjemahan: Hill  
    - Arti: A naturally raised area of land, smaller than a mountain.

25. Fort de Kock  
    - Terjemahan: Fort de Kock (historical name of Bukittinggi)  
    - Arti: A historical name referring to the city of Bukittinggi in Indonesia.

26. Bukit Malambuang  
    - Terjemahan: Malambuang Hill (proper noun)  
    - Arti: A specific hill located in Bukittinggi.

27. Iklim pegunungan
    - Terjemahan: Mountainous climate  
    - Arti: The climate typical of mountainous regions, usually cooler and wetter.

28. Suhu  
    - Terjemahan: Temperature  
    - Arti: The degree of heat present in a substance or environment.

29. Dataran  
    - Terjemahan: Plain / Plateau  
    - Arti: A flat or gently sloping area of land.

30. Layangan  
    - Terjemahan: Kite  
    - Arti: A light framework covered with paper or cloth, flown in the air.

31. Adu perkutut
    - Terjemahan: Dove competition  
    - Arti: A contest involving doves, often for their cooing or beauty.

32. Pekuburan  
    - Terjemahan: Cemetery  
    - Arti: A place where the dead are buried.

33. Panorama  
    - Terjemahan: Panorama  
    - Arti: A wide, unobstructed view of an area.

34. Ngarai Sianok
    - Terjemahan: Sianok Canyon (geographical feature)  
    - Arti: A deep, narrow valley or gorge located in Bukittinggi.

35. Gunung
    - Terjemahan: Mountain  
    - Arti: A large natural elevation of the earth's surface.

Ihsanul Eka Vitra 


No Urut 20

24 JD I -E Trans JM 9-10 NKALL2 1- LM

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