1. Pemerintah
  - Terjemahan: Government Â
  - Arti: The system or group of people who govern a country or region.
2. Kebun binatang
  - Terjemahan: Zoo Â
  - Arti: A facility where animals are kept and displayed for public viewing.
3. Kenangan
  - Terjemahan:Memory Â
  - Arti: Recollection of past events or experiences.
4. Kelahiran Â
  - Terjemahan: Birth Â
  - Arti: The act or process of being born.
5. Objek wisata Â
  - Terjemahan: Tourist attraction Â
  - Arti: A place or site that is visited for enjoyment or interest.
6. Sanak famili Â
  - Terjemahan: Relatives Â
  - Arti: Family members or close relations.
7. Jeruji pagar Â
  - Terjemahan: Barred fence Â
  - Arti: A fence with metal bars, often used to restrict access.
8. Kawat besi Â
  - Terjemahan: Iron wire Â
  - Arti: Thin, flexible strands of iron, used in various applications.
9. Petugas keamanan Â
  - Terjemahan: Security officer Â
  - Arti: A person responsible for ensuring safety and security.
10. Deteksi Â
  - Terjemahan: Detection Â
  - Arti: The process of discovering or identifying something.