NFI or normal fit index produces values between 0 and 1. The closer to one, the more suitable the model is. The results of the analysis show that the NFI value is 0.627
Hypothesis Testing
The Effect of Patient Participation and CRM on Value Co-Creation
In the structural model, I describe the relationship between patient and CRM participation in value co-creation, which is stated in the hypothesis that patient and CRM participation affect value co-creation either partially or simultaneously. Based on the results of data processing for structural model I, the following equation is obtained:
Y = 0.237X1 + 0.342X2
Based on the structural equations that are formed, it can be explained as follows:
The degree of contribution or influence of patient participation (X1) on the Co-Creation Value (Y) was 0.237. With the increase in patient participation (X1), the effect on the Co-Creation Value (Y) will increase by 0.237.
The degree of contribution or influence of CRM (X2) on Value co-creation (Y) is 0.342. With the increase of CRM (X2), its influence on co-creation value (Y) will increase by 0.342.
Based on the R square value, 0.657 was obtained, which means that together, the influence of patient and CRM participation on co-creation value was 65.7%, and the remaining 34.3% was explained or influenced by other variables
Simultaneous Hypothesis Testing
With the test criterion F, Ho is rejected, and Ha is accepted if F counts less than F in the table. The F test can be performed using the following formulations: