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Mudahkah Kita Terpengaruh Kurikulum Hoax Masyarakat?

13 Februari 2016   06:19 Diperbarui: 13 Februari 2016   12:49 581
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Kompasiana adalah platform blog. Konten ini menjadi tanggung jawab bloger dan tidak mewakili pandangan redaksi Kompas.

Responnya luar biasa. Komentarnya ratusan, yang tentunya berisi penghakiman tentang LGBT dari umat yang tampak 'religius'. Tidak perlu saya tuliskan contoh-contohya, anda pasti juga pernah baca.

Saya 'dipaksa' untuk taat. Kalau tidak, dituduh kafir. Dipaksa untuk mempercayai gambar di broadcast itu, dan meyakini pesan bahwa buku-buku kita sudah terkontaminasi LGBT.

Saya bukan pendukung LGBT, dan tidak pernah menyutujui perilaku itu. Tapi saya tidak bisa menghakimi mereka. Saya juga tidak bisa mengikuti pesan radikal, kecuali saya telah benar-benar yakin. Dan, saya tidak akan berbicara banyak tentang LGBT, karena saya yakin anda memiliki perspektif tersendiri.

Saya pun melanggar peraturan di sekolah hoax. Saya mencari buku itu dengan lengkap. Dan akhirnya saya temukan versi full nya di link ini Agar lebih mudah memahami, saya tuliskan isinya (maaf saya tidak berhasil mendapatkan full judul buku tsb)

Halaman 2-3
Everybody thinks we are really happy. But I am not. My Dad is always working. And when he comes home, he screams a lot. That really hurts me.

Halaman 4-5
Mom cries sometimes because she does not know what to do. Then she holds me telling about her unhappiness and problems. It makes me feel very uncomfortable and strange. I really wish my dad would spend time with me instead of screaming and yelling.

Halaman 6-7
My uncle Pete comes over sometimes. He lives with us every now and then. He is really kind to me- holding me, listening to me and making me feel loved. One night when he was holding me, he started touching my private parts. Over time he taught me to touch and play with his. It felt very strange, scary and a little good to. He told me it was OK, that this means he really loves me. This went on for several months. He told me “This is our special secret”.

Halaman 8-9
Mom and Dad would fight. I thought they did not love me. Maybe they fought because of me. When I became a teenager, I started feeling really different from the other guys. Some of them called me names like “[censored]“, “[censored]“, “[censored]“, “[censored]“. I did not know what they meant.

Halaman 10-11 missing

Halaman 12-13
After a while, I went to a counselor for help and advice. I told him my story and that I thought I was gay. He said I wasn’t gay. I just missed my Dad’s love and was taught wring things by my uncle.

Halaman 14-15
He said it was very bad, what my uncle did to me. He should never have touched my private parts, or have me play eith his. The counselor said it wasn’t my fault, that my uncle took advantage of my need for Dad’s love. He explained that because I didn’t experience affection.

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