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Hayati Samsudin
Hayati Samsudin Mohon Tunggu... -

I'm simple person. English, writing short stories and poems is my passion.




The Interview

12 November 2010   10:22 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   11:40 51
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"Great! I'm so glad that you dumped me ten years ago. Now I know that you are a perfect idiot. Harry! Do you ever think that I couldn't sitting on an opulent office and having a good position in big company like this? Was that the reason you dumped me because I wouldn't get a good life as you know it?"

"Anita, oh! Are you my classmate when I was..." Harry didn't continue his talk as Anita shut him up.

"Shut up Harry! I have not done any plastic surgary on my face but all the big things around me had made you lost your memory, do I look better with all this things? Wake up to yourself Harry and I actually I'm not here to hire you but I rather want to show you, how good my life is. And I feel sorry, after I have read your resume. It seemed that God was not being so nice to you, huh?"

"Right, Anita. I know you are boss but I'm sorry... You have no right to point your finger and judging my life. If you got a good life, do enjoy it. I'm leaving!"

Harry rose from his seat and collected his map from the desk. His face looked red and mounted with anger,embarrasment and humilitation but he tried to hide it and make sure he wouldn't commit unlawful acts.

"Hang on...Hang on...! yeah, of course you can leave but I just let you know that all these years not even a second you ever crossed in my mind or even wanting you back to love me. It just happened to notice you when I was looking some profiles on HM consultant website. Any way, I'm going to get merried next week I wish I could invite you but I'm sorry... I'm afraid you going to ruin my day. Ok, now you may leave and thank you for coming!"

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