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Ilmu Sosbud

The Epistemology of Maqbul Hadith by Al-Ghazaly

20 Desember 2021   10:26 Diperbarui: 20 Desember 2021   10:28 382
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 9) selected hadith, the sentence isbat content from the content of the sentence. 

 If the steps have been followed, this is also not possible with the tarjih, so move on. (not contradicting the second hadith). The theory says that AlGhazaly is different from Shafi`yah group and Malikiyah's effort, it is second aljamuwaattaufiq so if path is not possible then do second path, namely Nasikh Mansukh then Tawaquf. [Nasrun Haroen: 1997:178] 

 After analysis, the expression enhanced by AlGhazaly can be understood that hadith maqbul is: 

 Mutawatir Hadith, held by many people and based on logic or habit, their will is unable to agree to binding. The definition of hadith mutawatir according to Alghazaly and most teachers is the same and there are also those who argue that hadith mutawatir is a hadith maqbul that must be kept in order to fulfill obligations.

Other muttawatir hadiths, that is, those that comply with obligations, including the condition that they must be mucarups, orthodox churches, and Muslims to give hadiths. And other conditions mentioned by Teacher's Town Hall, like Muttasil rather than Syaz, Berlilia, Al-Ahazaly, are not mentioned. Muttasil means a person who has been asked to receive hadith directly from the narrator. From the last Sanad to the end, and to the Prophet Muhammad, is the source of the hadith. According to AlGhazaly, hadiths that damage Sanad, such as Munkati, Mudal, Muarak, Mudalas, and other McBull hadiths, are also different from Ulama. Hadiths aren't continuing, they're not real, they're McBull hadiths. The theory advocated by Al Ghazary is very easy to express because it does or does not meet the needs of the parties involved. However, most of the donors had to be proven through biographical studies and provided hadith. Your facts are never presented as a legal argument. 

 Shaz means against others against stronger or stronger Siqah. Looking at the definition of syaz above, we can see that hadith, not syaz, is hadith and its content does not compete with other more powerful siqah. 

"Shame and ugliness are hadiths that look real at first glance, but if you study their elements carefully, you can eliminate the following elements: The narrator tells the hadith about Shake, in fact, he. Has never met Shake. He gave a hadith cake to a friend. Hadith nad or Matane (content) Bad things can happen. 

So in hadith maqbul, AlGhazaly does not need to be intentional. According to most teachers, hadith is not strictly mandatory, issued by upright people, dabit, muttasil, by syaz and pagans, hence hadith is part of hadith and cannot follow proof legitimacy of the establishment. Therefore, it is easier to confirm the hadith maqbul given by Al-Ghazaly than most other opinions, hence the hadith maqbul according to Ghazaly is hadith sahih and hadith da`if. 

 8. Hadiths are accepted with peg and siqah, and hadiths are allowed and followed by everyone in the group, hadiths are accepted with pegs and siqah, and hadiths are followed by everyone, it is not a study of that. this, because if stock and siqahs or assembly or binding can. 

 Al Ghazaly is an installation and a writer who analyzes issues of Sufism, Fiqh, monotheism and ethics. Sufism is the governing body of knowledge, but the "law" of Sufism is not hadith. These relics prove the honest assumption from the Sufi point of view that every hadith belongs to the Prophet Muhammad and they reflect all the traditions accepted by the hadiths.alMustafa min `ilml alUsul can be abbreviated, but basically" it's a duty. Even if one day you can't lie and make mistakes, we'll do the right thing. "[AlGazaly: AlMustafa: II: 233] 

Hadith assigned to Algazary. Mazur to refer to everyone, either hadith or person or several or master (hidden). Al Ghazaly is no longer investigating what is happening, as everything has been submitted to the judge. 

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