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Reflection on Theology of Pastoral

10 Oktober 2023   09:14 Diperbarui: 10 Oktober 2023   10:03 83
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

2. Build an attitude of humility to dare to work together with anyone. Humility as well as simplicity in conveying the teachings of faith so that they can be understood by every believer. In this context, we are called to be shepherds who are able to direct the sheep to "green pastures" (salvation in the knowledge and appreciation of faith).

3. An MSC must be able to develop up-to-date pastoral skills, in order to apply them in the pastoral work of the people. He must not be comfortable with a mindset that may be outdated. He must dare to think and act "out of the box", without being "out of context".

4. One of the pastoral concepts created by the early missionaries was: "enter through their door, exit through our door". This means that we need to adjust to who we are serving. After that, we can direct them towards salvation as expected by the Church.

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