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Gia Mohon Tunggu... Konsultan - One of the 2% INTJ population in the world. Welcome to my random thoughts :)

IG: @giasintha | Podcast: BEDAH OTAK



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Is Happiness A Camouflage?

14 Januari 2018   20:00 Diperbarui: 14 Januari 2018   22:19 948
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Bagikan ide kreativitasmu dalam bentuk konten di Kompasiana | Sumber gambar: Freepik

YES there are tons of things, literally tons of things, we can improve only by leaving our comfort zone behind and include regular exercise into our schedule appointment. Make exercise your second spouse, where no one can interfere your date appointment. Let's extend our life contract by getting sweat, shall we?


We all know that fast food industries are irresistible in this velocity society where everywhere we go, people demand for speed. No time to cook anymore, no time for homemade juice. Soft drink, fast food, junk food, convenience food consumption are shortcut to accommodate these needs. We often forget that there is a 'higher price' we have to pay for consuming them in daily basis.

I tend to be very curious when I heard news of people who die in young age. When I ask, mostly the cause of death is chronic disease. When I was in school, I barely hear people die in young age but lately this phenomenon turns out to be very common. Did you know that according to WHO report in 2016 Indonesia ranks in one of the top five countries for people with diabetes? Our poor lifestyle and lack-awareness of exercise are probably the roots of this epidemic.

Your body is your temple. A common phrase people use to describe how tremendously essential the human body is. In the law of reincarnation, when someone litter in Buddha's temple in present time, they will be reborn as a poor man. So is human body, we may be allowed to litter our body but be ready for the consequences. In this particular case, we wouldn't have to wait to be reborn. You do remember that time is a running machine, don't you?


Did you know that 30% of our cortex are dominated by visual? Therefore, it is always easier to judge the book by its cover. It would be the biggest lie when people say they don't like compliments. When in the morning someone tell you that you look good that day, don't you feel good afterward?

If you can train your mindset, then you are a powerful human being who has any access to be whatever you wish you want to be. Be successful. Be healthy. Be kind. Be good looking. You name it. Looking good is only happening when you love yourself. And to love yourself, you have to learn to train your mind set. Appreciate yourself by start giving reward to it. Go pamper yourself, have a massage, buy new tie that match to your coat, try to wear that dress you think you're too fat to wear it. Confident people always look happy. Perhaps because they feel good by looking good. I once read a quote saying that a flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it, it just blooms.



I once watched a touching video about a true story of a father, Abdul-Munim Sombat Jitmoud, who lost his son (Sahaluddin) over a murder. Surprisingly, he decided to hug and forgive a man involved in the killing of his son and said, "I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at the devil. I blame the devil, who misguided you to do such a horrible crime." And when everyone else is questioning silently of such action, he explained, "Forgiveness is the greatest gift of a charity in Islam." He said to the killer he forgave him, "I forgive you on behalf of Sahaluddin and his mother". It was an extremely emotional moment and for a second there my mind just could not grasp clearly what just happened. I'd be furious when people try to harm my pet and on the other hand, there is a father out there who's amazingly capable to hug and forgive the killer of his murdered son? I come to conclusion that this kind of amazing phenomenon can only occur when you believe in the higher power. High spiritual intelligence is what Jitmoud has successfully achieved.

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