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Is Happiness A Camouflage?

14 Januari 2018   20:00 Diperbarui: 14 Januari 2018   22:19 948
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I once trapped in a moment of questioning people behavior. I was even wondering if I am living in the state of idiocy where people are no longer care with basic moral education. People with mental failure is what makes me extremely agitated. I used to ask myself, how can people with education behave so idiotic? None of the theories satisfy me, until one day I read a very good psychological quote saying that 'when you do not understand the way people behave, understand the way their brain works.' This quote inspired me and gave a light of hope. I spent a whole week afterward learning about human brain anatomy and all its function. And I was living in a week of awe.

Have you ever thought about how incredible the human brain works? Do you know what would happen with your brain if you stop learning? Just like muscle, brain needs to exercise to make it stronger. Otherwise, it will get stiff and weaker. Or did you know the fact that knowledge will be expired after two years of learning? Hence, no matter how smart you think you were in school, you are no longer getting smarter if you refuse to feed the mind. In our brain there is a part called neocortex which supposed to be taking all the credits for our good grades at school, brilliant ideas at work or our high education background. Like our body that needs to be taken care of, so is neocortex. What happen if we do not drink or eat? Human being with good health can still survive in three to five weeks without food, but can we last without water? We'll die in vain. So is brain, we have to feed its mind in order to keep them growing. You don't want to have a hobbit brain, do you?

Do your brain a favor. Learn new things that challenge your brain, like new brain games or new language lesson. Thirst for education because it will give your brain a regular exercise. Read more books and let your imagination takes control. Pamper your brain with intellectual curiosity. Learn to surrender to the desire of your brain. Believe me, your brain will thank you later. After all, how can people finish a book if they stop writing? Feed your mind.


There is a reason why I put Mind first, Body second, and Spirit last. Because I believe that mind is the main key to open the other locks of body and spirit. And learning to train our mind set is the most important part. I once read a story about a person who kept going back to the doctor for feeling sick. 

The doctor checked on him over and over, and could not find any problem. No symptom. No disease. The doctor finally declared that his body is functioning well. And yet, the person was very certain he was ill. This condition is what we call psychosomatic. Psychosomatic means mind (psyche) and body (soma). According to English dictionary, psychosomatic is a physical illness or other condition caused by mental factors such as internal conflict or stress.

It must be hard to focus on being happy when you are in the midst of life battleship. It is nearly impossible for a heartbroken person to instantly expect happiness. Therefore, in order to make ourselves happy we have to make peace with our mind. Positivity drives happiness. Otherwise, the group of homeless people and cancer patients would not claim themselves happy, or a person with no arms and leg would not be so grateful in life (Re: Nick Vujicic). These amazing people would not be existing if not because of the powerful mind set they possessed. It's the same functioning in life. How can someone be happy when they don't love life? Once fall in love with the idea of life then we start to view the world differently. I always thought that a healthy mind set is a happy person. Feed the mind with positivity and good energy. Once the mind agrees to make peace with limbic system of our brain, we automatically become more compassionate, appreciate surroundings, less judgmental and more tolerable, we start to appreciate the world, we start to fall in love with life. Placebo is my middle name and I'm proud to share that my view to life is a lot more beautiful ever since.                                                     



How many times do you put 'exercise regularly' in your new year's resolution and always fail in realization? How much time do you waste for watching Netflix or playing games, while you were planning to exercise the moment you wake up? Remember the phrase comfort zone kills? A common metaphor people use to describe a bad relationship, a bad workplace or a stagnation. But have you ever thought how scary it would be when the metaphor becomes literal? What if comfort zone can literally kill you?

We are living in the modern era where speed is highly required in every term. People don't like to queue anymore. People avoid process as best as possible, jump right into results. So little time so many things to do justification lead us further away from what's really important: being healthy.No one says regular exercise is easy. But we're living to survive, aren't we? And what if exercising is our golden ticket to a happy survival? Ever wonder why there are always those people who are in a good mood almost every day, look good in shape and well body function, have a quality sleep like a baby and claim to have the greatest sex life in marriage? Well, I'm pretty certain that EXERCISE is their dirty little secret.

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