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Fairuz Irbah
Fairuz Irbah Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

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Meaningless Regret

16 Desember 2022   20:20 Diperbarui: 16 Desember 2022   20:38 156
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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

SMA Nusantara is one of the favorite schools in Jakarta. There are many students there who excel. Some of them come from well-to-do and well-off families. Not all of them, Senja for example, are simple students who enter Nusantara High School because of their intelligence. Senja is a transfer student. She just entered Nusantara High School when he was in class XI. Even though she doesn't come from a rich family, Senja is still grateful for her life now. Senja feels she is not the only person whose life is difficult. There are still many people out there who are not luckier than her.

Senja is a quiet child, she doesn't have many friends, her close friends are Riri and Lilac. Senja is lucky, they are sincere friends. Even though Senja comes from a simple family, Riri and Lilac never mock or belittle her.

However, not all of them are like that. Not everyone wants to be friends with Senja because Senja is not the same as them. Yes, there are still friends at school who choose friends based on the difference in their social status. Even Senja herself doesn't know if she is considered a friend or not. Senja never cared about that. She always tried not to think about what other people said about her and still did well to them. Including one person who really hates Senja.

Alin, is a Nusantara High School student who comes from a respected family. She is also a smart student. Often insults and taunts Senja. Feels that Senja doesn't deserve to go to Nusantara High School because she comes from an ordinary family. She always bothers Senja. Like now, Alin was very upset to see today's notice board. It was written that Senja was the first general winner and her name was under Senja. Before Senja entered this school, Alin always won first place in school. However, now Senja has seized her position. Huh, Senja is annoying!

Full of annoyance, Alin went to class and approached Senja.


Senja, who was chatting with Riri and Lilac, was surprised.

"Why Lin?"

"Why did you take my position, anyway?! Are you jealous of me because you can't afford it?"

"What position, Lin? What are you talking about?"

"Don't pretend you don't know! Didn't you see the announcement?! You must have cheated on the exam, right?!"

"You don't have to just accuse me, Lin!" no, it wasn't Senja, but Riri who answered.

"Shut up, Ri! I'm not talking to you!"

"Hey, Senja. You're just an ordinary person, you don't have anything. You don't have to be smart!"

"But, Lin, I really don't cheat on exams."

"Liar," said Aline.

There was the sound of footsteps approaching the classroom. Mr. Malik, a teacher for class XI IPA 1 enters the class. Students who were still outside the class flocked in.

"Good morning, everyone!"

"Good morning, Sir!"

"Well, your test scores are out. You can see it on the notice board. And Senja congratulations to you. You won the first general ranking, keep it up. Well, the others increase your grades, okay!"

"Okay, Sir!"

Alin is very fed up. Senja always gets compliments. Alin didn't like it. That should be a compliment for her. According to her, Senja really doesn't deserve to be in this school. There is nothing to be proud of Senja. Senja is only a poor person who likes to seek the attention of others, especially teachers at school. Yes, that's what Alin thinks about Senja.

"Look, Senja. I will make you uncomfortable going to school here," muttered Alin.


The school bell has rung. As usual, picket students are not allowed to go home before cleaning the classroom. Now it's Wednesday and Wednesday is the picket Senja schedule.

"We're going home early, Senja!" Riri said.

"Yes, be careful Ri, Lac."

"If Alin is acting up, tell us, OK?" said Lilacs.

"Hahaha... yes Lilac. Take it easy."

"Bye, Senja!" said Riri and Lilac together while leaving the class.

Incidentally, Alin is also picket today. Apart from the two of them, there were also Bulan, Sean, and Jeffry who were picketed. A cunning idea appeared in Alin's brain. Her mission to make Senja feel uncomfortable at this school begins.

"Friends, you don't have to picket today."

"Oh, why Lin?" Sean asked.

"Today Senja will picket everything. Right, Senja?"

"But, Lin I don't---"

Senja had not finished speaking yet, Alin cut her off, "You guys should just go home already. Senja can take care of it anyway."

"Yeah! Thank you, Senja!" said Bulan.

"The spirit of cleaning Senja!" continued Jeffry.

Bulan, Sean, and Jeffry left the class. Remaining Senja and Alin.

"Alin, why did you say that?"

"So what? You don't like it? Yes, don't picket, so that tomorrow you will be scolded by Mr. Malik." threatened Aline.

Luckily Senja is patient. She no longer answered Alin and started cleaning the classroom. Alin smiled. Feels like she won. Almost half of the class was swept by Senja. Meanwhile, Alin only orders Senja.

"Senja, clear that part"

"Alin, why don't you help me and just order me?" asked Senja.

"I am lazy," answered Alin.

"Alin, come help me. I'm tired of doing everything myself."

"Hey, Senja! Luckily, I accompany you here. Hurry up and finish! It's just a little bit more. Don't be spoiled!

Without answering, Senja continued her work. Fifteen minutes passed, and Senja had finished cleaning the classroom. Seeing that Senja was over, Alin immediately left the classroom. Followed by Senja after.

Senja returns home on foot. The distance between her house and school is about twenty minutes.

"Assalamualaikum Bun, Dad." Senja said when she got home.

"Waalaikumsalam. Change your clothes first, then let's eat, with dad too."

"Okay, Bun"

After changing clothes, Senja ate with her father and mother. Senja is an only child. Even so, Senja has a harmonious family. Senja never felt a lack of affection from her parents. Regardless of their financial condition, which is not as fortunate as those above them, her father and mother always teach her to be grateful. Senja is very proud to have parents like her father and mother who always teach Senja to do good.

"Senja?" call dad.

"Eh? Yes, Dad?"

Senja's father chuckled "why are you daydreaming?"

"No daddy. I just want to say that I love Mom and Dad. Dusk is grateful to have a Dad and a Mom."

"I also love you, Senja." mother said.

"Daddy also, Senja," said father, not wanting to be outdone.

This is the Senja family. Very harmonious, right?

Another time, at night at Alin's house. Alin and her parents are having dinner.

"Alin, Papa got the news that your grades are dropping. You got the second overall champion. While Senja won first prize. Don't you study? You've already ordered tutoring! Take Senja as an example, even though she is a transfer student she is very smart," said Alin's father, opening the conversation at the dining table.

"Sorry, Papa. I will increase my grades."

"Okay, study hard so Papa doesn't need to pay for your tutoring."

"Yes, Papa."

After dinner, Alin went to the room. Not long after, there was a knock on Alin's room door, which turned out to be her mother.

"Alin, don't be offended by Papa's words. He is so for your good."

"Yes, Mom," answered Alin.

"Okay, you sleep okay. It's late."

Allin just nodded. This is why she doesn't like Senja. Because of Senja, her father kept scolding her and even compared her to Senja. She wants Senja to leave school so she can continue to maintain her position as the first overall champion at Nusantara High School. In her room, Alin kept thinking about how to get Senja away from school. And an idea came to Alin's mind. Tomorrow she will carry out her mission.

"Just look at you Senja."

The next morning, at school, Lilac and Riri were confused when they saw Alin being quiet all day in class. Normally she would annoy Senja. Senja doesn't even bother. Maybe she's starting to change, Senja thought. Classroom learning took place solemnly. The biology teacher, Ms. Lisa, explained the lesson well and the students responded well, some even asked questions.


The bell has rung indicating that class is over and there is one more lesson left. The students screamed with joy because it was time for a break. They ran to the canteen. Alin walked to Senja's table and asked Senja to come with her.

"Where, Lin?" asked Senja.

"Come on, Senja. I want to show you something," answered Aline.

"Just a moment, Senja," said Alin again.

Lilac and Riri feel that there is something suspicious about Alin. Alin is not usually like this. Suddenly kind and asked Senja to come with her. This is not the usual Alin.

"Hey, wait!" Riri said.

"Why is it?!" replied Aline.

"If Senja goes, we will go too!" said Lilac.

"I only invited Senja, not you guys. It's only for a moment, really."

Senja broke them off. Don't want her friends to make noise at school.

"Come on, Lac, Ri. It's okay, I'm going with Alin. It's only for a moment anyway. Isn't that right Lin?"

"Yes, just a moment. Why are you guys meddling?" irritated Aline.

Finally, Senja decided to join Alin. Senja asked where they were going as they were heading toward the back of the school. However, every time Senja asked, Alin didn't answer. Alin just said, "just follow". Senja didn't ask anymore and continued to follow Alin. Until finally they stopped in front of the school warehouse. Senja was confused about why they went to the warehouse. When she was about to ask, Alin said, "it has arrived."

"Why are we going to the warehouse, Lin?"

"Come on, just come in, Senja."

"But, where did you get the warehouse key?"

"I borrowed it from the school guard," Alin replied.

Alin entered the warehouse followed by Senja. The condition of the school warehouse is very dusty and dirty. Senja was still confused and thinking about what they came here for.

"Senja, you wait here, yes."

"Eh? Where are you going, Lin?"

"Just wait."

Not long after, Alin came with a rope. Senja asked why Alin brought the rope. But, again Aline did not answer. With fast movements, Alin tied Senja's body. Senja was shocked and struggled to be released.

"ALIN! What the hell is this?!"


"Alin, please let me go."

As if deaf, Alin did not hear Senja's screams.

"Alin, I beg you to let go. What do you want? HELP!" Senja is screaming. But Alin's reaction remained the same, Alin didn't do anything, as if she didn't hear anything.

"I hate you, Senja."

Senja frowned, "This time what was my fault, Lin? Why did you go this far?"

"It's your fault for going to Nusantara High School and taking my position Senja! Because of you, my Papa keeps comparing me to you! Even though you are nothing compared to me."

Then Alin went outside the warehouse. Senja was scared and screamed. But there didn't seem to be anyone outside. Not long after, Alin returned with a bucket filled with sewage water and...


Alin splashed the water on Senja so that Senja's body was wet and smelly. Then, Alin left Senja and her screams in the warehouse. While walking to class, an announcement was heard that the students were going home because the teacher had a meeting. Today is really lucky for Alin. If all students come home early, Senja is alone in the warehouse. When she entered Alin's class, she didn't see any of Senja's friends. You won't be able to find Senja, thought Alin. Alain took her bag and went home.

The next day, Alin came to school early to see Senja. Empty. There's no one in the warehouse. Aline growled. Who helped Senja, she thought. Aline walked quickly to class. Nothing. Senja is not in class. Maybe she hasn't arrived yet? she thought. Alin sat in her chair. Her heart is restless. Where is Senja? she asked. Not long after, Lilac and Riri came, looking at Alin sarcastically. Just the two of us, without Senja.


Calling Alin, Lilac, and Riri class XI IPA 1, please come to the counseling room.

The announcement was repeated three times. Alin was still in place. Lilac and Riri walked past Alin's table. Alin then followed the two of them to the counseling room. How surprised Alin was to see Senja in the counseling room. Alin just looked down, realizing that what she had done was uncovered. Lilac and Riri explain the chronology of finding Senja in the warehouse, soaked and very smelly. At first, Lilac and Riri were worried because Senja didn't come back after being brought by Alin. Then they looked around the school and heard screams from the storeroom. They wanted to open the barn door but it was locked. Finally, they asked the school guard to open the door. And yes, they found Senja.

Senja also said that Alin did it to her because Alin was jealous of Senja.

"Is it true that Alin you did that to Senja?" asked Mrs. Dita the counseling teacher.

Alin feels cornered and finally admits her mistake. She also feels guilty about Senja and apologizes directly to Senja. Alin was given punishment for her actions.

"I'm sorry Senja. I'm really sorry I did that out of envy."

Senja smiled. She forgave Alin with all her heart. There is no revenge or hatred towards Alin. Because according to Senja, everyone must make mistakes and deserve to be forgiven. However, it's a shame Senja decided to move to another school. Lilac and Riri felt sad but it was Senja's decision, they couldn't forbid it. 

After all, they can still play outside the school environment. Yes, Alin's dream has finally come true. Senja finally decided to leave Nusantara High School. However, instead, Alin was not happy with Senja's decision, she was very sorry for her actions.

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