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Fairuz Irbah
Fairuz Irbah Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

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Meaningless Regret

16 Desember 2022   20:20 Diperbarui: 16 Desember 2022   20:38 156
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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

"Alin, I beg you to let go. What do you want? HELP!" Senja is screaming. But Alin's reaction remained the same, Alin didn't do anything, as if she didn't hear anything.

"I hate you, Senja."

Senja frowned, "This time what was my fault, Lin? Why did you go this far?"

"It's your fault for going to Nusantara High School and taking my position Senja! Because of you, my Papa keeps comparing me to you! Even though you are nothing compared to me."

Then Alin went outside the warehouse. Senja was scared and screamed. But there didn't seem to be anyone outside. Not long after, Alin returned with a bucket filled with sewage water and...


Alin splashed the water on Senja so that Senja's body was wet and smelly. Then, Alin left Senja and her screams in the warehouse. While walking to class, an announcement was heard that the students were going home because the teacher had a meeting. Today is really lucky for Alin. If all students come home early, Senja is alone in the warehouse. When she entered Alin's class, she didn't see any of Senja's friends. You won't be able to find Senja, thought Alin. Alain took her bag and went home.

The next day, Alin came to school early to see Senja. Empty. There's no one in the warehouse. Aline growled. Who helped Senja, she thought. Aline walked quickly to class. Nothing. Senja is not in class. Maybe she hasn't arrived yet? she thought. Alin sat in her chair. Her heart is restless. Where is Senja? she asked. Not long after, Lilac and Riri came, looking at Alin sarcastically. Just the two of us, without Senja.


Calling Alin, Lilac, and Riri class XI IPA 1, please come to the counseling room.

The announcement was repeated three times. Alin was still in place. Lilac and Riri walked past Alin's table. Alin then followed the two of them to the counseling room. How surprised Alin was to see Senja in the counseling room. Alin just looked down, realizing that what she had done was uncovered. Lilac and Riri explain the chronology of finding Senja in the warehouse, soaked and very smelly. At first, Lilac and Riri were worried because Senja didn't come back after being brought by Alin. Then they looked around the school and heard screams from the storeroom. They wanted to open the barn door but it was locked. Finally, they asked the school guard to open the door. And yes, they found Senja.

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