[3] Fitrarich,"Asal Usul Tradisi Tahlilan di Pulau Jawa", https://www.viva.co.id/vstory/sejarahvstory/1176230-asal-usul-tradisi-tahlilan-di-tanah-jawa ,27/11/2021,15:14.
[4] Ponpes Putri Al-Burhany YASINAT, "Syifana", ad.shodiaz, hal 44-53
[5] Hadist Shahih Muslil, "Hadist Shahih Muslim no.4862- Kitab dzikir, do'a, taubat dan istighfar.", https://www.hadits.id/hadits/muslim/4862, 12/12/2021, 14:08
3. Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Community Activities
The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the disruption of community activities, be it religious, social or cultural activities. Some of the impacts are positive and some are negative. The positive impacts are:
a. With the rule of staying at home makes people more religious.
b. People are getting used to living a clean and healthy lifestyle.
c. Make people more patient in facing trials.
d. Closer to family.