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Evistanoscha Chimera
Evistanoscha Chimera Mohon Tunggu...

You can call me EVISTANOSCHA CHIMERA, sebuah nama pena yang tercetus saat listrik padam. Sekarang kuliah di jurdikmat prodi matematika murni swadana 2011 Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta





27 Oktober 2011   14:15 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   00:26 68
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Gadget. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/ThisIsEngineering

Learning math at the elementary school began to spread. In this second level, there are demands for more start processing the data such as multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, powers, rooting, etc. If at first level with more emphasis on the introduction / start process, second-level invited to incorporate what has been recognized to be a new object, a whole new outcome.

In everyday life, the second level took me to interact with life around. No longer as an individual whole, because the individual has limited rights, the rights of others. As the number 6 which have not always are number 6 if processed with other numbers.

Level Three

At Junior High School and Senior High School

High School invites a person to raise its level of difficulty learning math as well. This level has created conflicts that require small step process double or even more. In this level is starting to get to know the system-the system in its processing. Trig is not forever dwelling in sin, cos; tan, etc because it could be processed in the system trigonometric integrals.

At High School I felt my character was forged as a result from systems around me in a process. I do not anymore as a individuals that are restricted by the rights of others, but me and others is a unified whole that has goals and ideals of the same to be fought. Despite being one, I must be myself so did others in his own convictions. Will give rise to conflicts and the return must be processed to find the end result.

Level Four

University and Community

No more teachers that guide us to learn mathematic. Teachers we are ourselves, the lives of yourself and others, as well as analysis of the environment around us. Lecturers only directs, then depending on the steps taken. Math also looks very wide, need specs. In a society does look more simple, just the application of math in everyday life.

At this level, my character has been formed from the end of the process that is created from the previous levels. It is still possible to change, but it's not an easy matter. Only the environment the majority of my characters to control the final result. Therefore, in this level I hope to get an environment that supports the formation of character, or more precisely polishing the characters have been created. I am grateful to enter mathematics jurdik State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) because my logic says this is the place of character that will support anyone, including me, being a good person. A little play mathematical logic:

Premise 1: If you want to be individuals with good character, then look for an environment characterized by

Premise 2:If searching for an environment that character, then enter the environment UNY

Premise 3: If you want to enter the environment UNY, so the student math jurdik UNY

If you want to be individuals with good character, so the student math UNY

Level Five

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
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