Keputusan untuk resign pasca-kehadiran anak adalah masalah rumit yang melibatkan banyak aspek. Baik suami maupun istri memiliki tantangan dan peluang sendiri-sendiri saat mengambil tindakan ini. Dalam konteks keluarga modern, dialog terbuka dan dukungan satu sama lain sangat penting untuk menemukan keseimbangan ideal.Â
Dengan mempertimbangkan waktu, peran, dan harapan, pasangan dapat menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung perkembangan anak sekaligus memenuhi kebutuhan pribadi mereka.
Cabrera, N. J., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Bradley, R. H., Hofferth, S., & Lamb, M. E. (2000). Fatherhood in the twenty-first century. Child Development, 71(1), 127-136. URL:
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McGarvie, S. (2024). Attachment Theory, Bowlby's Stages & Attachment Styles. URL:
Moreland-Russell, S., Jabbari, J., Ferris, D. & Roll, S. (2022). At Home and on the Brink: U.S. Parents' Mental Health during COVID-19. International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health, Vol. 19 , Issue 9. URL:
Olesen, S. C, Butterworth, P., Leach, Liana S. M., Â Kelaher & Pirkis, J. (2013). Mental health affects future employment as job loss affects mental health: findings from a longitudinal population study. BMC Psychiatry Vol. 13, Number 144. URL:
Ruppanner, L. (2021). Shifting Inequalities? Parents' Sleep, Anxiety, and Calm during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Australia and the United States. Men and Masculinities. URL:
Sharma, M. (2022). Mental health linked with work life balance of working women. International Journal of Health Sciences, Vol. 6 No. S4. URL:
The Work Parent (2024). The Truth About Parental Leave and Career Advancement. URL: