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My Short Story

29 Desember 2021   22:23 Diperbarui: 29 Desember 2021   22:25 318
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"Ru, what are you doing? Lately, you avoid and stay away from me. I wild dog you to the canteen, but you don't want to accompany me. Did I have some mistakes for you?" asked Sherin.

"I'm sorry, Sher. Honestly, it's really hard for me to live these days. I kept everything to myself for almost 3 years. I don't want to make you think over about me. So, I feel it all myself. I realize if I'm not strong and need your help now," Haru answered.

"I bullied by many students at school many times. They always talk about my physique. They always say I don't deserve to be friends with you because I'm fat. They also often say that you only take advantage of me and others. I believe you're not that bad but the more and more the bad words that they said and that bothers me a lot. So, I decided to stay away from you. So, I wouldn't be bullied like that. Do I not deserve a friend like you Sher?" continued Haru in a low and sad tone.

Unknowingly, Haru shed a tear. Sherin heard her honesty was very hurt and sad. Sherin immediately hugged Haru tightly while shedding tears. Sherin understands how Haru feels. Everything was hard, she had also felt the same way. Haru needs herself.

"How could I not know this?" said in Sherin's heart.

They hugged for a long time then Sherin said,

"Why didn't tell, Ru? Why? Why are you keeping everything from me? If I had known, we can solve it together and silence all their bad words.ho was very sad just kept silent and cried.

"Tell me everything, anyone who bullied you and said that I was only taking advantage of you."

"I'm right, it turns out that my feelings are not wrong. Sherin is sincere. They are only jealous of our friendship," said in Haru's heart.

Haru tells everything from the beginning, Andrea's words that hurt her and everything that happened to her. Sherin who heard hugged Haru again.

Sherin said, "From now, you don't have to worry, Ru. I will talk to all of them so that they all shut up and no longer bother you. I talked to Andrea as soon as we got home from your house. I don't like those who talk about my best friends like that." 

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