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My Short Story

29 Desember 2021   22:23 Diperbarui: 29 Desember 2021   22:25 318
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"Thanks, Sherin, you've always made my day," said Haru with a big smile.

"We're best friends and will continue to be like that," replied Sherin with a sweet smile.

[Life during 11th grade]

The vacation is over. Sherin spends vacation time in her hometown with her family. Meanwhile, Haru spends her time just at home, studying, and studying. Haru got the best grades in 10th grade. Several months have passed, everything is going well. Haru doesn't get harsh and nasty words. Haru is very happy and assumes that everyone understands her and accepts her as she is. Instantly that feeling disappeared, one day she was in the bathroom. A group of girls came up to her and asked about her friendship with Sherin.

"Kim Haru, how can you not be ashamed to be friends with Sherin. Do you know that Sherin is actually just taking advantage of you?" said the gang leader.

Haru who heard it was surprised and was silent for a moment. She didn't listen to what they said. She believes in Sherin. Sherin couldn't possibly do something bad like that. She wanted to leave them but they stopped Haru.

"Where are you going? Are you afraid or do you want to snitched to Sherin?" said the gang leader followed by their evil laughter.

"Get out of the way, I have nothing to do with you. Don't say anything that's not true."

"You idiot, Sherin doesn't want to be friends with you. Sherin and you are only taking advantage of your intelligence." They kept emphasizing their words. All bad words were spoken by them. Haru held back her annoyance until she was not strong with their chatter and ran away from them.

Arriving in class, she kept thinking whether what they said was true. It kept filling her brain until she couldn't focus on the lesson. Undeniably, her expression was very obvious and Sherin realized it. Sherin felt that there was something wrong with Haru. She was very curious, she immediately asked Haru,

"Ru, are you okay? I can see that you have a lot on your mind. If there is a problem, you can talk to me. I can help you if you have trouble or have a problem," Sherin said.

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