Oleh Kevin Yoga, Joy, M. Fajar Nur Ihsan, Islamia, Satria Sakti, Andriansyah. M Annas
Penulis-penulis muda dari Ekstrakurikuler English Club SMK MedikaComÂ
Asuhan Diah Trisnamayanti
Pembelajaran pada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang dilakukan 7 siswa ini adalah mengambil foto yang disuka dan menceritakan informasi menarik dari foto sosok itu. Â Subhanallahnya, mereka mengambil tidak asal mengambil; mereka belajar mencari ketertarikakn pada gambar bahkan mereka belajar untuk mengambil makna kehidupan terbaik dari sosok di dalam gambar tersebut.
Mereka berupaya untuk menelaah sesuai dengan cara mereka belajar, kemudian mengungkapkan apa yang ada dibenak mereka terkait pilihan gambar dalam bahasa Inggris mereka.Â
Semangat anak-anak dalam berkarya di bidang tulis menulis sambil belajar mengembangkan pemahaman jurnalistik!!!
By Kevin Yoga kelas X RPL A
King Minos felt that eternal suffering was an unfair and unreasonable punishment for those whose only sin was loving another. After the Disappearance of God, as angels were lost and Heaven was in chaos, Minos began his efforts to reform the Lust layer.
The Lust renaissance was prosperous, as King Minos guided its inhabitants to come together and build a new civilization. The combined efforts of the countless who had been damned to the second layer bore great results as the grand city of Lust grew and grew.
However, after the Council took control of Heaven and brought stability to it through their iron fist rule, they saw that Minos had gone against God's will by freeing sinners from the punishment that God had designed for them.