Other key elements of the Arthurian legend include the Knights of the Round Table, a group of noble knights who were said to be Arthur's most trusted companions. These knights embarked on quests and adventures, striving to uphold the values of chivalry and honor. Sir Lancelot, Sir Gawain, and Sir Percival are.
Andriansyah siswa kelas X TKJ A yang cenderung senang bercanda ini, mengagumi King Arthur lantaran gim yang banyak dia mainkan. Dia menganggap King Arthur adalah tokoh ksatria yang menginspirasi bagaimana seharusnya seorang laki-laki agar mampu bertahan dalam berbagai tantangan yang dihadapi.Â
By Muhammad Annas Ibrahim
Abbas ibn Firnas was born in the 9th century, in 810 Izn-Rand-Onda Al Andalus, present-day Ronda, Spain. He was around 65-70 years old when, according to historians, he jumped off a cliff from Yemen's Jabal Al-Arus mountain with the help of a pair of wings made from silk, wood and real feathers, allowing him to glide in the air and stay in flight for more than 10 minutes.
This first attempt left Abbas ibn Firnas injured and disappointed. Although he achieved the act of flying, he failed to consider the logic behind the landing. He lost his balance during the flight in the air, causing him to crash land and incur serious injuries. Even though he had never been able to fly again, his flying machine diagrams led to the invention of the cornerstones of aviation engineering in the late 20th century.
In the field of astronomy, he designed a mechanised planetarium in which there were revolving planets moving in relation to each other. Abbas ibn Firnas also worked on sand and quartz crystals to discover their nature
Annas ingin menyampaikan kepada teman-temannya bagaimana dia terisnpirasi dengan Abbas Ibn Firmas yang memiliki kemampuan ilmu pengetahuan untuk menemukan mesin pesawat dengan cara mempraktikan ilmunya dalam keseharian agar manusia bisa bermanfaat untuk manusia lain.Â
Terimakasih anak-anakku yang penuh dedikasi belajar bahasa Inggris kalian melalui foto yang kalian suka. Good Job!!!!
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