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Sigmund Freud Fenomena Organ Penis, dan Vagina [12]

26 Juli 2019   03:04 Diperbarui: 26 Juli 2019   03:10 556
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Dengan demikian, penyelidikan neuropsikoanalitik insting seksual termotivasi dan dimungkinkan oleh konjungsi berikut: (i) dalam pmanusiangan Freud sendiri, apa yang membuat teori psikoanalitik insting sangat sulit untuk dijabarkan adalah sifat insting seksual yang kompleks  baik representasional dan somatik  dari insting seksual. ; dan (ii) sejak beberapa tahun, ketersediaan teknik neuroimaging fungsional dapat menjelaskan aspek somatik, setidaknya pada otak, insting seksual.

Daftar Pustaka:

Sigmund Freud. (1905). "Three essays on the theory of sexuality," in The Stmanusiard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (Vol. 7), ed Strachey J., editor. (London: The Hogarth Press; ), 125--245 [Google Scholar]

___. (1915a). "Instincts and their vicissitudes," in The Stmanusiard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (Vol. 14), ed Strachey J., editor. (London: The Hogarth Press; ), 109--140 [Google Scholar]

___. (1915b). "Repression," in The Stmanusiard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (Vol. 14), ed Strachey J., editor. (London: The Hogarth Press; ), 141--158 [Google Scholar]

___. (1920). "Beyond the pleasure principle," in The Stmanusiard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (Vol. 18), ed Strachey J., editor. (London: The Hogarth Press; ), 7--64 [Google Scholar]

___. (1921). "Group psychology and analysis of the ego," in The Stmanusiard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (Vol. 18), ed Strachey J., editor. (London: The Hogarth Press; ), 65--144 [Google Scholar]

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