"Donut? The store is close to my house. I can buy it after lecture or maybe in the morning before class" offers Raissa.
"Ok, any more ideas?"
"That would be fine" answers Lala.
"Fine with me either. Btw, how much is that?" asks Dina.
"It's about Rp 20.000,00 -- 30.000,00. I don't remember but it's below 50"
"Okay, so we're gonna be surprising her a day after with doughnut."
"Oh, do you guys have candles?" says Eva.
"I have three birthday candles left" says Raissa.
"Can we use that?"
"Ok. Next week"
Dina, Eva, Lala, and Raissa decide the birthday surprise idea. They are going to surprise Jessie on 15th February 2019, a day after her birthday. Raissa will buy a box of doughnut beforehand.