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Unok and The Origin of Danau Lut Tawar

29 Januari 2021   22:15 Diperbarui: 30 Januari 2021   08:52 331
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Takengon is a city located in the middle of Aceh Province. This city is known as a city that has many beautiful tourist attractions and of course, coffee is excellent for everyone. This city has been visited by many local and even foreign tourists for various reasons.

Besides that, there was a story that is stored before the Lut Tawar formed and it's associated with a few mystical things. Here is a little bit of a story about Unok and the origins of Danau Lut Tawar.

Once upon a time, there was a story called unok, unok has some meaning and explanation from every people and from the circulating story among them, some people said that he is a spirit that called Aulia who is has a big body and tall. He is also a Muslim or a person who is strong in worship and become a scholar. (cleric, theologian). According to the story, if he wants to pray he always does it in Mecca and if he wants to do salat al-jum'ah he will return to takengon.

Some people said in his story that unok is had a very large and tall body that makes him can pass through the mountain and the sea. And one day he has received revelation (vision from god) from Allah the god of the universe and warned that he will bring down a disaster to the earth in the form of a flood so that unok is commanded by Allah to make a big ship.

Before Lut Tawar lake is large as today, from the story it just a water spring and becomes a small pond that is always visited by the angel from the sky to take bath and sunbathe. At the edge of the pond, there was a big tree that always to stop over by every kind of bird near the pond. Although there were other big trees around them, the birds are always stopover on the tree near the pond.

After unok or Aulia received the revelation he starts to think about how to make a big ship and every people can get it and after he is thinking of it he comes to the small pond and then he pulls out the big tree that usually used for the birds stop. After that, the ship will be placed somewhere that is near to the village so that the people can easily get into it if suddenly the flood is coming.

In short, he pulls out the tree until its roots leave a big mark and he drags it to the coast of Aceh.

Based on the story of the same place the mark from the tree that he pulls out becomes the lake Danau lut tawar and it slowly becomes deep until filled up with water. After he pulls out the tree, and then dragged it to the coast of Aceh, some people said that traces of the tree that he drags it become a river called Pesangan. And it flew to the coast of Aceh.


Kota takengon merupakan sebuah kota yang terletak di tengah – tengah Provinsi Aceh. Kota ini dikenal sebagai kota yang memiliki banyak tempat wisata yang indah dan tentu saja kopi yang menjadi primadona bagi seluruh orang. Kota ini telah banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan lokal bahkan mancanegara karena berbagai alasan.

Disamping keiindahannya tersebut ada cerita yang tersimpan dibalik asal – usul terbentuknya Dana Lut Tawar yang berkaitan dengan sedikit hal mistis. Berikut sedikit cerita tentang unok dan asal usul danau lut tawar.

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