Shared Assumption
In order to make the programs work, the strategies must be based on knowledge. The chances of the programs being successful is higher if the strategies are based on research, theory, and experience. Therefore, the assumptions behind the programs are discussed here.
By programming students to be physically active and have a healthy diet, they will have a healthy lifestyle. Being physically active can improve brain health, manage body weight, reduce risk of diseases, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve the ability to do daily activities (CDC, 2018). As mentioned before, physically fit individuals can think better than those who aren’t fit (James, 2019). Other than physical and mental health, students’ also need to improve their awareness about their social and environmental condition. Social awareness is the ability to accurately understand the emotions of other people and empathize with them (Straw, 2020). Social awareness will strengthen our relationships, increase positivity, and improve conflict management. Environmental awareness is the ability to understand the environment and the importance of its protection (Pachamama Alliance, n.d.). By improving students’ environmental awareness, they will take care of the environment and not exploit it. Lastly, the students need to have hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills reflect the requirements to properly perform a job, while soft skills help employees cope and react appropriately to situations (Team, 2021). By balancing Raga, Rasa, and Rasio, students will be intelligent individuals with a healthy lifestyle who are aware of their surroundings.
The programs created will improve high school students’ quality by supporting their health, awareness, and skills development. Physical and mental health, social and environmental awareness, and soft skills development will give them valuable competency skills for when they enter university and work. The program can be regularly improved by using the performance measurement. If the program succeed in improving high school students’ quality, the education system in Indonesia will be improved and produce higher quality graduates.
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Canada Mental Health Association. (2022). Connection Between Mental and Physical Health.
CDC. (2018). Benefits of Physical Activity | Physical Activity | CDC.
James, G. (2019, July 5). Neuroscience Says Your Body and Mind Get Stronger When You Focus on This 1 Thing.
Knowlton, L. W., & Phillips, C. C. (2013). The logic model guidebook: Better strategies for great results. Los Angeles: SAGE.