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ADI PUTRA (Adhyp Glank) Mohon Tunggu... Seniman - Saling follow itu membahagiakan_tertarik Universalitas, Inklusivitas dan Humaniora, _Menggali dan mengekplorasi Nilai-nilai Pancasila

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Recognizing the Islamic Socialism of the Indonesian Nation's Teachers in the Principles and Tandhim Programs of HOS Tjokroaminoto

16 Desember 2022   23:00 Diperbarui: 16 Desember 2022   23:01 139
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In its journey before the existence of Pancasila, the founders of the nation carried out the Jakarta Charter which later became the Forerunner of the birth of Pancasila, in the Jakarta Charter the existence of Islamic values and nuances was very strong in every point written and contained therein, only based on the results of deliberations to reach consensus, the Values the value of Pancasila in the Five Basic Points which is an inseparable element of the values contained in the Jakarta Charter which became the Ideological Foundation and became the forerunner of the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia which was systematically strengthened in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution.

Pancasila is a conflict resolution in the nation and state

Pancasila is present in Indonesia not as a substitute for religion, in Indonesia differences are nature from God Almighty, so that every difference becomes an announcement for all the people who are in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Only a handful of people with shallow understanding use the Pancasila Issue as a religion, even though this is not the case. Pancasila stands to become an alliance across nations with all the differences that exist with equal rights and obligations and standing before the law.

Religious freedom and mutual respect are the essence of addressing religious differences in peace, without intervention and no coercion in religion. Every difference in schools of thought in Islam is a normal thing in everyday life, there is little possibility of frictional horizontal conflicts in the name of schools of thought.

The awareness that living on the same Earth and the obligation to maintain mutual peace is the goal of what is called "tolerance" helping fellow human beings to facilitate each other in the process of "gotong royong", solving every need and environmental problem in society together and without ulterior motives.

"A Glimpse of the Nation's Teacher HOS TJOKROAMINOTO"

Haji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto is a national teacher and national hero, he is a devout Muslim, many of his students became high-ranking officials of the Indonesian nation, including Soekarno, the first president of the Republic of Indonesia.

HOS Tjokroaminoto's big role was to change the nation's thinking which led young leaders to become big thinkers and became a source of reference for the leadership of the Indonesian nation's movement towards independence.

HOS Tjokroaminoto is Laznah Tandfiziyah or President of the Organization founded by Haji Samanhoedi called Syarikat Islam (SI), previously the Islamic Trade Union (SDI). The birth of various Organizations leading to Indonesian Independence on August 17, 1945.

HOS Tjokroaminoto was a simple figure even though he was born in an aristocratic family, willing to give up his nobility title to work with the people.

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