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ADI PUTRA (Adhyp Glank) Mohon Tunggu... Seniman - Saling follow itu membahagiakan_tertarik Universalitas, Inklusivitas dan Humaniora, _Menggali dan mengekplorasi Nilai-nilai Pancasila

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Recognizing the Islamic Socialism of the Indonesian Nation's Teachers in the Principles and Tandhim Programs of HOS Tjokroaminoto

16 Desember 2022   23:00 Diperbarui: 16 Desember 2022   23:01 139
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It is these things that make a drastic change in the awareness of the Indonesian people for independence, unity, justice and prosperity together as the philosophy of mutual cooperation contained in the view of life with Pancasila.

A figure who actively builds collective awareness within the nation and state, introduces knowledge about religion and the world, and encourages benefit efforts in a strong economic sovereignty.

Even though he was not the President of the State, every national figure respected the figure of Haji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto by conferring the title of hero to the deceased because it was the forerunner to the formation of the State and ushered in independence and created a Generation of State Leaders who actively participated in the process of independence for the Republic of Indonesia.

Pancasila Values and World Needs

Diversity among differences that unite in the Value of Unity is equality across Humans on Earth, different views, religious beliefs, ethnicities, skin colors, languages are something that is absolute from the Creator of the universe, so the process of mutual respect and glorification is something wise in the world.

Reducing cross-national conflict, stopping inter-religious conflict, and moving towards complete unity in living on one Earth.

These different perspectives become color variations in life that cannot be separated and do not deserve to be a source of contention, the positive thing that can be used is to feel the beauty of living in differences without disturbing each other and not harming each other materially or non-materially, this is a human right the highest on earth. 

Thus the existence of social justice becomes the basis and breath of life for all living things, especially all mankind, the essence of maintaining peace on earth by promoting tolerance and togetherness in peace.

For this reason, carrying out "Independence is the Right of All Nations" is contained in the Preamble to the Indonesian Constitution, this applies to all nations and countries without exception. Equal Rights and Duties on Earth and hand in hand to "abolish colonialism in the world", so that Humanity can unite in peace.

Basic Program and Tandhim Program.

A reflection that becomes a set of values of the nation's struggle in implementing rules based on God's commands in Islam as true Muslims in the Asas program, and implementing a humanitarian work program in fighting evil (crime) in the Tandhim program. So that in the thought of Haji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto really reflects the glory and courage of manners in carrying out Islamic values to fight as human work against any treatment oriented to colonialism and crimes against humanity.

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