(man) it meets twice a week, for an hour and a half each time
  (narrator) what does the man mean?
               (wanita) bisakah Anda memberi tahu saya seberapa sering kelas filsafat bertemu?
               (man) bertemu dua kali seminggu, selama satu setengah jam setiap kali
              (narator) apa yang dimaksud pria itu?
   (A) the two classes meet in an hourÂ
   (B) the class meets three hours per week
   (C) each half of the class in an hour long
   (D) two times a week the classmeets four an hour
3. (man) i'm tired of just sitting herel
  (woman) relax, i'm sure that the flight will depart within a few minutes
  (narrator) what does the woman mean?
            (man) aku lelah hanyaÂ