(A) He's not really happy
(B) The contractor's work was satisfactory
(C) He would rather work with the contractor himself
(D) He was already contacted about the work
19. (man) i can't find a typist to finish my term paper by tomorrow morning
   (woman) why not do it yourself?
   (narrator) what does the woman suggest?
                    (pria) aku tidak bisa menemukan juru ketik untuk menyelesaikan makalahku besok pagi                                                 (wanita) kenapa tidak menyelesaikannya sendiri?                                                                                         (narator) apa yang disarankan wanita itu?
(A) The man should try another type of paper
(B) The man should locate a typist tomorrow morning
(C) The man should make a tape in the morning