[10] Azra, An Islamic Perspective, p. 231.
[11] Tentang Maroko dan Indonesia diambil dariSwidler, Freedom of Religion and Dialogue, p. 26-27
[12] Azra, An Islamic Perspective, p. 233-234.
[13] Bagian tentang ateisme disadur dariSalim Osman, “Is Atheism, like Communism, Illegal in Indonesia?” in Jakarta Post, Friday, February 10, 2012 (halaman tidak tercantum).
[14] Francisia SSE Seda, Menuju Gereja yang Makin Mengindonesia: Suatu Perspektif Sosiologis (Diktat kuliah Sosiologi Agama, 2012), hlm, 4.
[15] E.C. Cuff, W.W. Sharrock, and D.W. Francis, Perspectives in Sosiology, (Fourth Edition, London: Routledge,1998), p. 77.
[16] Swidler, Freedom of Religion and Dialogue, p.16.
[17] K.S. Nathan, “CONCLUSION: Globalization and the Post-9/11 Era: Problems and Prospects for Multi-Religious Coexistence and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, Europe, and America,” in Religious Pluralism in Democratic Societies: Challenges and Prospect for Southeast Asia, Europe, and the United States in the New Millenium, edited by K.S. Nathan,Singapore: Religious Pluralism in Democratic Societies: Challenges and Prospect for Southeast Asia, Europe, and the United States in the New Millenium Konrad-Adenauer- Stiftung (KAS), 2010, p. 285
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