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Jomini dan Clausewitz (oleh Chritopher Bassford)

20 Mei 2015   12:47 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   06:47 1103
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[Francis Egerton, Lord Ellesmere], "Marmont, Siborne, and Alison,"Quarterly Review, v.LXXVI (June and September 1845), 204­247, sebuah percobaan penulisan oleh John Gurwood, Egerton, dan  Wellington sendiri. Lihat arsip dari  the John Murray Company, indeks manuskrip untuk v.LXXVI,Quarterly Review; J.H. Stocqueler (pseud.),The Life of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington(London: Ingram, Cooke, and Company, 1853), v.II, 330.

Artikel XVIII-XXII bukuSummary

. Untuk tulisan teoritis Jomini dalam terjemahan bahasa Inggris, lihat Antoine­Henri Jomini, trans. Col. S.B. Holabird, U.S.A.,Treatise on Grand Military Operations: or A Critical and Military History of the Wars of Frederick the Great as Contrasted with the Modern System, 2 vols. (New York: D. van Nostrand, 1865); Baron de Jomini, trans. Major O.F. Winship and Lieut. E.E. McLean,The Art of War(New York: G.P. Putnam, 1854). Karya turunan yang penting antara lain karya intruksional Dennis Hart Mahan untuk West Point Halleck,Elements of Military Art and Science(New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1846); Edward Bruce Hamley (1824­93),The Operations of War Explained and Illustrated(London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1866).

Kebanyakan diskusi mengenai Jomini membandingkannya dengan Clausewitz. Sebagai usaha eksplisit untuk hal tersebut, liat Department of Military Art and Engineering, USMA,Clausewitz, Jomini, Schlieffen(West Point, 1951 [ditulis ulang, sebagian oleh Colonel [USA] John R. Elting, 1964]); J.E. Edmonds, "Jomini and Clausewitz" [suatu tulisan yang anti Jerman ],Canadian Army Journal, v.V, no.2 (May 1951), 64­69; Joseph L. Harsh, "Battlesword and Rapier: Clausewitz, Jomini, and the American Civil War,"Military Affairs, December 1974, 133­138; Major [USAF] Francis S. Jones, "Analysis and Comparison of the Ideas and Later Influences of Henri Jomini and Carl von Clausewitz," Paper, Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: Air Command and Staff College, April 1985; Colonel [USA] Richard M. Swain, "`The Hedgehog and the Fox': Jomini, Clausewitz, and History,"Naval War College Review, Autumn 1990, 98-109.

Gatzke,Principles of War, 49 (p39 in Cochenhausen,Grundsatze)

Clausewitz, Gatzke ed.,Principles of War, 12; Cochenhausen,Grundsatze, 9. See also pp 22/17)

On War, Book Two, Chapter 2.

. In later versions of the Treatise, Jomini dropped his insistence on interior lines, acknowledging á la Clausewitz that the value of interior or concentric lines depended on the situation. (Holabird, 450-451).

These points are most easily found in the bibliographical essay which opened the original French edition of theSummary, "Notice: sur la théorie actuelle de la guerre et sur son utilité" ("On the Present Theory of War and of Its Utility"). This essay is missing from (or severely edited in) most English language editions, although it is present in the 1854 American translation.

Jomini, trans. Mendell and Craighill,Summary, 66; Clausewitz,On War, 88-89.

John E. Shephard, Jr., membuat pengkajian mutakhir mengenai bebrapa keuangan dari teori Clausewitz mislanya dalam "On War: Is Clausewitz Still Relevant?" See also Bruce R. Nardulli, "Clausewitz and the Reorientation of Nuclear Strategy,"Journal of Strategic Studies, December 1982, 494-510.

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