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Why Should We Stop Eating Sea Fish?

26 Juli 2023   20:56 Diperbarui: 26 Juli 2023   21:03 267
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Trawling is the most destructive form of fishing. According to Ali Tabrizi, the bottom trawler sweeps around 3.9 billion hectares every year, this is equivalent to losing 4,316 football fields every minute. In fact, 93% of all the world's CO2 is stored in the oceans with the help of marine vegetation, algae and corals. Therefore, marine plants are very important in the absorption of carbon dioxide on earth, if marine plants are reduced or even absent, the earth will accept extreme climate change as soon as possible.

3. Large-scale fishing can damage food chain

Large-scale fishing can damage the food chain which will have an impact on climate change. According to Sophie Yeo, whales forage in the deep sea, then return to the surface to breathe and excrete. The iron-rich manure is perfect for the growth of phytoplankton, which annually absorbs four times the amount of carbon dioxide from the Amazon rainforest, and produces up to 85% of the oxygen we breathe. In fact, in Taiji Japan, killing apex predators such as dolphins and whales are pest control, the fisherman in Taiji saw the dolphins are competition because dolphins eat too much fish. When fishermen overfish the predator, there's not enough food for apex predators.

Above all, eating sea fish has many harmful effects both in terms of the health of the human body itself and the environment. In other words, if we don't eat marine fish, it is tantamount to not supporting excessive fishing activities in the sea, with that we hope the fishing industry will decrease, and large-scale fishing will also decrease.

Work Cited

Tabrizi, A. (2021). Seaspiracy. A.U.M. Films Disrupt Studios.

Herliafifah, R. (2021, July 30). 9 Jenis Ikan yang Bagus untuk MPASI Bayi. Hello Sehat.

Galland, G. Rogers, A. Nickson, A. (2016, May 2). Netting Billions: A Global Valuation of Tuna. The PEW Charitable Trusts.

Puji, A. (2021, November 5). 8 Sumber Makanan Terbaik Yang Kaya Asam Lemak Omega-3. Hello Sehat.

Royte, E. (2018, June). We Know Plastic Is Harming Marine Life. What About Us? National Geographic.

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