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Buku Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson : Saya Sudah Membacanya

25 Oktober 2011   05:08 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   00:32 444
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[caption id="attachment_139304" align="aligncenter" width="609" caption="Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson Book"][/caption] Sebelumnya saya sudah mengetahui tentang buku Biografi ini, karena sering berselancar di Internet di tambah kekaguman saya terhadap sosok Jobs dengan "Think Different" nya membuat saya makin memburu sejarah visioner sosok mantan CEO Apple ini, sehingga tidak berlebihan jika saya mengagumi Jobs sebagai orang yang berpengaruh terhadap dunia dan diri saya, sebelum akhirnya dia meninggal karena kanker pankreas yang menggrogotinya pada minggu lalu. Dunia telah kehilangan satu sosok visioner, Steve Jobs. Dari mulai rumor-rumor yang beredar bahwa sebelumnya buku ini akan berjudul iSteve samar-samar mirip dengan nama-nama produk Apple-nya. Namun nyatanya urung,  akhirnya label resmi buku ini adalah Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson. Walter Isaacson adalah Presiden di Aspen Institute dan bertugas sebagai direktur dewan Teach for America. Ia adalah mantan Direktur serta CEO di CNN dan mantan editor di Time Magazine. buku-bukunya yang lain adalah Einstein: His Life and Universe, Benjamin Franklin: An American Life dan co-penulis The Wise Men. ia juga ditunjuk sebagai wakil direktur di Louisiana Recovery Authority. lulusan Harvard College dan Pembroke College di Oxford University. Dikutip dari Buku biografi pendiri Apple Inc, Steve Jobs, sudah mulai dijual secara resmi hari ini, Senin (24/10/2011). Buku yang ditulis oleh Walter Isaacson ini akan tersedia dalam format digital dan buku hardcover ini Buku biografi Steve Jobs ini sejatinya dirilis pada Maret 2012 yang kemudian direvisi pada 21 November, tetapi kematian tokoh di buku ini membuat jadwal penerbitannya dipercepat menjadi 24 Oktober 2011. Beberapa e-book store, seperti Amazon dan Barnes & Noble, sudah membuka layanan pemesanan buku (pre-order) ini. Hasilnya, mereka kebanjiran ribuan pesanan dari pelanggannya dan langsung menjadi buku terlaris (best seller) sebelum bukunya dirilis. Namun hari ini Alhamdulillah saya sudah dapat menikmati dan membacanya. kutipan penulis di introduction menandakan Jobs sangat punya hubungan baik dengan penulis, Walter Isaacson : In the early summer of 2004, I got a phone call from Steve Jobs. He had been scattershot friendly to me over the years, with occasional bursts of intensity, especially when he was launching a new product that he wanted on the cover of Time or featured on CNN, places where I’d worked. But now that I was no longer at either of those places, I hadn’t heard from him much. We talked a bit about the Aspen Institute, which I had recently joined, and I invited him to speak at our summer campus in Colorado. He’d be happy to come, he said, but not to be onstage. He wanted instead to take a walk so that we could talk. ..... (and so forth) buku tersebut sangat banyak mengupas sisi kehidupan jobs, baik itu tentang kehidupan kelam Jobs saat berhubungan dengan Chrissann Brennan pacarnya saat di Homestead High, ibu dari anaknya Lisa. [caption id="attachment_139293" align="aligncenter" width="404" caption="Mona Simpson and her fiancé, Richard Appel, 1991 | Steve Jobs by Walter Isacsson Book"][/caption] Kemudian pertemuannya dengan Mona setelah dewasa, saudara kandung anak dari Ibu biologisnya Joanne. di dalam buku ini ternyata di ungkap bahwa Jobs bukan anak asli dari keluarganya yang sekarang, melainkan Jobs Merupakan anak adopsi dari pasangan Joanne Schieble dan Abdulfattah Jandali, ayah biologisnya seorang imigran berkebangsaan suriah. [caption id="attachment_139299" align="aligncenter" width="397" caption="Paul Jobs with Steve, 1956 | Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson Book"][/caption] Karena alasan waktu itu mereka mempunyai anak saat kuliah dan belum bisa menerima kenyataan, ditambah lagi keluarga ibunya yang tidak mau menerima menantu imigran Suriah Akhirnya Jobs dititip di panti asuhan dan di adopsi oleh pasangan keluarga, Paul dan Clara Jobs asal California, Mereka tinggal di Sillicon Valey. Dalam kisah hidup Jobs untuk menjadi seorang Visioner sangatlah panjang, tidak semulus apa yang kita bayangkan. nyatanya seseorang harus terus berusaha dan belajar. saya sangat senang dengan kutipannya Jobs "stay foolish, stay hungry" membuat saya bersemangat untuk menjadi "orang bodoh" yang terus perlu belajar dan lapar akan ilmu. dalam buku tersebut ada beberapa karakter orang yang disinggung dalam buku biografinya, diantaranya :

AL ALCORN. Chief engineer at Atari, who designed Pong and hired Jobs. GIL AMELIO. Became CEO of Apple in 1996, bought NeXT, bringing Jobs back. BILL ATKINSON. Early Apple employee, developed graphics for the Macintosh. CHRISANN BRENNAN. Jobs’s girlfriend at Homestead High, mother of his daughter Lisa. LISA BRENNAN-JOBS. Daughter of Jobs and Chrisann Brennan, born in 1978; became a writer in New York City. NOLAN BUSHNELL. Founder of Atari and entrepreneurial role model for Jobs. BILL CAMPBELL. Apple marketing chief during Jobs’s first stint at Apple and board member and confidant after Jobs’s return in 1997. EDWIN CATMULL. A cofounder of Pixar and later a Disney executive. KOBUN CHINO. A Soōtoō Zen master in California who became Jobs’s spiritual teacher. LEE CLOW. Advertising wizard who created Apple’s “1984” ad and worked with Jobs for three decades. DEBORAH “DEBI” COLEMAN. Early Mac team manager who took over Apple manufacturing. TIM COOK. Steady, calm, chief operating officer hired by Jobs in 1998; replaced Jobs as Apple CEO in August 2011. EDDY CUE. Chief of Internet services at Apple, Jobs’s wingman in dealing with content companies. ANDREA “ANDY” CUNNINGHAM. Publicist at Regis McKenna’s firm who handled Apple in the early Macintosh years. MICHAEL EISNER. Hard-driving Disney CEO who made the Pixar deal, then clashed with Jobs. LARRY ELLISON. CEO of Oracle and personal friend of Jobs. TONY FADELL. Punky engineer brought to Apple in 2001 to develop the iPod. SCOTT FORSTALL. Chief of Apple’s mobile device software. ROBERT FRIEDLAND. Reed student, proprietor of an apple farm commune, and spiritual seeker who influenced Jobs, then went on to run a mining company. JEAN-LOUIS GASSÉE. Apple’s manager in France, took over the Macintosh division when Jobs was ousted in 1985. BILL GATES. The other computer wunderkind born in 1955. ANDY HERTZFELD. Playful, friendly software engineer and Jobs’s pal on the original Mac team. JOANNA HOFFMAN. Original Mac team member with the spirit to stand up to Jobs. ELIZABETH HOLMES. Daniel Kottke’s girlfriend at Reed and early Apple employee. ROD HOLT. Chain-smoking Marxist hired by Jobs in 1976 to be the electrical engineer on the Apple II. ROBERT IGER. Succeeded Eisner as Disney CEO in 2005. JONATHAN “JONY” IVE. Chief designer at Apple, became Jobs’s partner and confidant. ABDULFATTAH “JOHN” JANDALI. Syrian-born graduate student in Wisconsin who became biological father of Jobs and Mona Simpson, later a food and beverage manager at the Boomtown casino near Reno. CLARA HAGOPIAN JOBS. Daughter of Armenian immigrants, married Paul Jobs in 1946; they adopted Steve soon after his birth in 1955. ERIN JOBS. Middle child of Laurene Powell and Steve Jobs. EVE JOBS. Youngest child of Laurene and Steve. PATTY JOBS. Adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs two years after they adopted Steve. PAUL REINHOLD JOBS. Wisconsin-born Coast Guard seaman who, with his wife, Clara, adopted Steve in 1955. REED JOBS. Oldest child of Steve Jobs and Laurene Powell. RON JOHNSON. Hired by Jobs in 2000 to develop Apple’s stores. JEFFREY KATZENBERG. Head of Disney Studios, clashed with Eisner and resigned in 1994 to cofound DreamWorks SKG. DANIEL KOTTKE. Jobs’s closest friend at Reed, fellow pilgrim to India, early Apple employee. JOHN LASSETER. Cofounder and creative force at Pixar. DAN’L LEWIN. Marketing exec with Jobs at Apple and then NeXT. MIKE MARKKULA. First big Apple investor and chairman, a father figure to Jobs. REGIS MCKENNA. Publicity whiz who guided Jobs early on and remained a trusted advisor. MIKE MURRAY. Early Macintosh marketing director. PAUL OTELLINI. CEO of Intel who helped switch the Macintosh to Intel chips but did not get the iPhone business. LAURENE POWELL. Savvy and good-humored Penn graduate, went to Goldman Sachs and then Stanford Business School, married Steve Jobs in 1991. GEORGE RILEY. Jobs’s Memphis-born friend and lawyer. ARTHUR ROCK. Legendary tech investor, early Apple board member, Jobs’s father figure. JONATHAN “RUBY” RUBINSTEIN. Worked with Jobs at NeXT, became chief hardware engineer at Apple in 1997. MIKE SCOTT. Brought in by Markkula to be Apple’s president in 1977 to try to manage Jobs. JOHN SCULLEY. Pepsi executive recruited by Jobs in 1983 to be Apple’s CEO, clashed with and ousted Jobs in 1985. JOANNE SCHIEBLE JANDALI SIMPSON. Wisconsin-born biological mother of Steve Jobs, whom she put up for adoption, and Mona Simpson, whom she raised. MONA SIMPSON. Biological full sister of Jobs; they discovered their relationship in 1986 and became close. She wrote novels loosely based on her mother Joanne (Anywhere but Here), Jobs and his daughter Lisa (A Regular Guy), and her father Abdulfattah Jandali (The Lost Father). ALVY RAY SMITH. A cofounder of Pixar who clashed with Jobs. BURRELL SMITH. Brilliant, troubled programmer on the original Mac team, afflicted with schizophrenia in the 1990s. AVADIS “AVIE” TEVANIAN. Worked with Jobs and Rubinstein at NeXT, became chief software engineer at Apple in 1997. JAMES VINCENT. A music-loving Brit, the younger partner with Lee Clow and Duncan Milner at the ad agency Apple hired. RON WAYNE. Met Jobs at Atari, became first partner with Jobs and Wozniak at fledgling Apple, but unwisely decided to forgo his equity stake. STEPHEN WOZNIAK. The star electronics geek at Homestead High; Jobs figured out how to package and market his amazing circuit boards and became his partner in founding Apple.

Penilaian dari saya : buku ini Menginspirasi siapa saja,  sangat membuka dunia pertapaan Steve Jobs, yang dikenal media sangat tidak ingin di publish kehidupan pribadinya, kecuali karyanya apalagi produk-produk Apple-nya. dari mulai kehidupan kelam syarat anak muda, membangun citra dengan idealisme-nya, sampai menjadi seorang yang visioner.

Selamat membaca!!!

The people who are crazy enough
to think they can change
the world are the ones who do.

—Apple’s “Think Different” commercial, 1997

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