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Lessons from The Prophet Moses's Stories

17 Juni 2024   19:46 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2024   20:22 124
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"Allah's promise is always true. But most people do not know."

"Allah did not want to punish Pharaoh immediately, it was easy for Allah to kill Pharaoh, Allah wanted to kill Pharaoh in Allah's way. even though it takes a long time. Allah let him live in peace and luxury, but there will come a time when he will be destroyed."

Have you ever wondered why Allah often mentions the story of the prophet Moses in the Qur'an? There must be some lessons we should know, right? Allah mentions those stories on surah Al-Baqarah, As-syuara, Al-Qasas, An-Naziat, etc. This shows that there was special attention from Allah regarding what happened between the prophet Moses, his people, the Jewish people, and Pharaoh (Fir'aun).

That's what made me curious and looking for the answer. So I watched a video from Ustadz Firanda Andirja M.A on YouTube with the title "Mendulang Hikmah dari Kisah Nabi Musa", he explained it very well and I got a lot of insight! Alhamdulillah

Link :

Here, I will tell you some lessons that I took from his lecture

First, we should know that telling stories about previous people is one of the methods of Allah in advising His servants and reassuring Rasulullah's heart

"And We relate to you O Prophet the stories of the messengers to reassure your heart. And there has come to you in this srah the truth, a warning to the disbelievers, and a reminder to the believers" Q.S Hud : 120

When the prophet was hit with very heavy tests, insults, and difficulties, Allah revealed the story of the messengers. Allah tells that they had also experienced difficulties and this calmed the prophet's heart. When we are being tested and we realize that we are not the only person who has experienced this, wouldn't that comfort us?

Second, Allah told the story of the Prophet Moses in detail to the Prophet Muhammad because among the people preached by the Prophet were Jews.

The Prophet Muhammad never learned from the ahlul kitab and the priests but he knows the story of the prophet Moses in detail. This is proof that the prophet Muhammad was a prophet because he was able to tell the story of the prophet Moses in detail even though it happened in the past

Why doesn't Allah talk much about the Prophet Isa, even though those whom the Prophet Muhammad preached to were also Christians? this is because the Prophet Isa is not agreed upon by all Jews. the Jews hate the prophet Isa, they say the Prophet Isa was a child of adultery, they even want to kill the Prophet Isa, and claim to have killed the Prophet Isa.

As for the Prophet Moses, it is agreed upon by both religions, both Judaism and Christianity. They agreed on the prophethood of Prophet Moses. Therefore Allah extended the story of Prophet Moses

When we pay attention to the story of the Prophet Moses and his people, we will know the morals of the Jewish people. Allah mentioned how many miracles Allah had sent down on them, they had seen many miracles but they were stubborn. They have too many despicable traits, they eat usury, they eat haram things, they kill the prophets, and if a prophet is sent that doesn't suit their taste, they behead the prophet.

They tried to kill the prophet Isa, because the prophet Isa was sent that did not suit their tastes. They were tortured or oppressed by the Romans and they were waiting for the arrival of a prophet who would win them over the Romans. It turned out that Allah sent the prophet Isa, to talk about the faith, improving their beliefs.

They even dared to kill the prophet of Allah, what about the Palestinian children? Maybe those innocent Palestinian children have no value on them so they have the heart to kill them cruelly. Naudzubillah

Ustadz Firanda also explained how the Jews changed the Torah (Taurat). They portray the prophets with bad characters. As if they want to legalize the bad things they do. They commit adultery, kill people, etc. As if they said, "Our prophets are like that, let alone us, what's wrong with it?"

So why is it extended about the characteristics of the Jews so that we are aware of their danger.

Some Lessons from the story of Prophet Moses

Allah has His own way. Allah had a miraculous way when he wanted to destroy Pharaoh's throne. Pharaoh was looking for the child who overthrew his throne. It turned out that the child was the prophet Moses. Moses was put in a basket and released into the Nile River. It turned out that the basket passed through Pharaoh's throne. Then, the basket was seen by Pharaoh's wife, Asiyah, whom Allah destined could not have children, so when a child was lost, she was interested in looking after him. Allah grew Asiyah's love for the prophet Moses, so she took Moses. Imagine that the child he was looking to kill was being looked after by Pharaoh, so Pharaoh was looking after a lion and the lion was going to kill him. Allah did not want to punish Pharaoh immediately, it was easy for Allah to kill Pharaoh, Allah wanted to kill Pharaoh in Allah's way. even though it takes a long time. Allah let him live in peace and luxury, but there will come a time when he will be destroyed.
Sometimes something we hate turns out to be good. When the mother of the Prophet Musa sent the Prophet Moses into the Nile River, she was full of sadness, and worry. but he carried out Allah's commands so he let go of his son. It turns out the wisdom behind it was extraordinary, his son was returned, and Prophet Moses's mother was transferred to the kingdom instead of living in poverty at first. The Prophet Musa's mother worked in the Pharaoh's palace, then she returned with her child, she breastfed her child with complete peace, and was even paid by the Pharaoh. happiness above happiness. "Allah's promise is always true. But most people do not know."
"We inspired the mother of Moses: "Nurse him, but when you fear for him, put him then into the river, and do not fear or grieve. We will certainly return him to you, and make him one of the messengers."

And it so happened that Pharaoh's people picked him up, only to become their enemy and source of grief. Surely Pharaoh, Hamn, and their soldiers were sinful.

Pharaoh's wife said to him, "This baby is a source of joy for me and you. Do not kill him. Perhaps he may be useful to us or we may adopt him as a son." They were unaware of what was to come.

And the heart of Moses' mother ached so much that she almost gave away his identity, had We not reassured her heart in order for her to have faith in Allah's promise.

And she said to his sister, "Keep track of him!" So she watched him from a distance, while they were unaware.

And We had caused him to refuse all wet-nurses at first, so his sister suggested, "Shall I direct you to a family who will bring him up for you and take good care of him?"

This is how We returned him to his mother so that her heart would be put at ease, and not grieve, and that she would know that Allah's promise is always true. But most people do not know."

Q.S Taha : 7--13

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