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Ruang Kelas

Lessons from The Prophet Moses's Stories

17 Juni 2024   19:46 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2024   20:22 117
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

And the heart of Moses' mother ached so much that she almost gave away his identity, had We not reassured her heart in order for her to have faith in Allah's promise.

And she said to his sister, "Keep track of him!" So she watched him from a distance, while they were unaware.

And We had caused him to refuse all wet-nurses at first, so his sister suggested, "Shall I direct you to a family who will bring him up for you and take good care of him?"

This is how We returned him to his mother so that her heart would be put at ease, and not grieve, and that she would know that Allah's promise is always true. But most people do not know."

Q.S Taha : 7--13

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