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Azmi Nur Al Qodar
Azmi Nur Al Qodar Mohon Tunggu... Penulis - Mahasiswa

Mahasiswa Universitas Darussalam Gontor Kampus C



Ruang Kelas

Review Jurnal Geographic Information System for Mapping Spiritual Flows

11 Agustus 2024   14:20 Diperbarui: 11 Agustus 2024   14:26 18
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In the increasingly digital era, technology has enabled us to map and analyze various cultural phenomena that were previously difficult to reach. One such phenomenon is the spiritual flow that is spread across various regions of Indonesia. Spiritual flow is an integral part of Indonesia's cultural heritage and spirituality. Rooted in local traditions and ancestral wisdom, however, limited data and information often become obstacles in studying and understanding the distribution and influence of these spiritual flows. Mapping spiritual flows using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) aims to collect, manage, and analyze data related to the distribution of spiritual flows in Indonesia. By utilizing GIS technology, we can identify geographic patterns, understand interactions between flows, and document this cultural heritage more effectively.


The document discusses the development and testing of a web-based Geographic Information System (GIS) designed to map spiritual beliefs in the Pudak District of Ponorogo, Indonesia. It highlights various spiritual beliefs in the area and addresses the lack of public awareness regarding these cultural aspects. The system was tested through functional and user testing, showing successful performance of features and high user satisfaction. Future improvements are suggested, including dynamic maps and 3D visual enhancements.


The article analyzes the testing of a system designed to provide information about spiritual beliefs in various villages, specifically focusing on functional testing and user testing of a web-based Geographic Information System (GIS) for mapping spiritual beliefs in the Pudak District of Ponorogo, Indonesia . It discusses the existence of various spiritual beliefs in the area, the lack of public awareness about these beliefs, and the system's effectiveness in providing information about the number of adherents and their locations.

Personal Opinion

Those who support the advancement of technology and local culture will appreciate this initiative to preserve and map spiritual culture. However, lack of awareness can motivate public education efforts and outreach programs. Therefore, effective community education and engagement can help overcome negative views and increase support for this initiative.

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