Nowadays there are many politicians who want to gain power in various ways, both good and bad. When the elections are held, many candidates use dirty ways so that they can occupy existing positions, starting from cheating, changing the system, changing regulations and money politics.Â
This cheating is common and is indeed to attract the public's sympathy and vote during the elections to the legislative candidates who will run. Money politics is carried out in the form of money, basic necessities, or other assistance (goats, cows, development), this is an effort to bribe to look good and later be able to help the community when serving as a representative council.Â
actually money politics is the state budget or the annual budget of the government which is money from the community from taxes, but during the election season the candidates from political parties use the name of money for the benefit of the people even though it is for personal interests. according to the Islamic view Money politics is Risywah or bribery and is categorized as corruption (big sin) because it takes the interests of the state for personal interests.
The factors that cause money politics to occur
Money politics has existed since ancient times and has become a tradition that originated in the era of colonialism or the Dutch era when the Diponegoro war against the Dutch army.
After that the Dutch government ordered Binenland Bestuur or a sub-district head, to enforce colonial rules, namely discussing the rules for electing village heads using Dutch rules.Â
On the other hand, the government is also reluctant to step down from office and in order to get wealth, facilities, and eternal honor. and even the written law where the law is comprehensive can be bought with money, so that the existing law is blunt upwards and sharp downwards. this is not in accordance with Islamic law or Koranic law, all governments, both executive, legislative and judicial, do the same thing so that the power is eternal.
The basis for the prohibition of money politics according to Islam and state regulations
Law No. 3 of 1999 Article 73 Paragraph (3) on General Elections reads: "Any person who at the time of a general election held in accordance with this law, by means of a gift or promise, bribes a person, either to prevent him from exercising his right to vote or to exercise his right in a certain way, shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment of three years. This punishment shall also apply to the voter who accepts a bribe in the form of a gift or promise to do something."
Law No. 32 of 2004Â concerning Pilkada also regulates the prohibition of money politics, for example in article 117 paragraph (2) which states: "Every person who intentionally gives or promises money or other material to someone so as not to exercise his/her right to vote, or to vote for a certain candidate pair, or to exercise his/her right to vote in a certain way so that his/her ballot becomes invalid, shall be punished with imprisonment for a minimum of 2 (two) months and a maximum of 12 (twelve) months and or a fine of at least Rp. 1,000,000.00 (one million rupiah) and a maximum of Rp. 10,000,000.00 (ten million rupiah)."
Allah has said in Al-Qu'ran Surah . Al-Baqarah verse 188
 Meaning: "And let not some of you eat of the wealth of others among you by unlawful means and (let) you not bring (the affairs) of the property to the judge, so that you may eat some of the property of others by (way of) sin, while you know".
Thus the rules that are set both from God through the Koran or by law are very firm that political money is a big sin and it is forbidden to do it, according to Islam political money is also corruption and it is forbidden to take people's rights that do not belong to them, even God promises heaven for those who avoid these actions. this proves that political money is indeed a big sin. al-Tirmidz from Abdullah bin Amru also stated that Allah himself would curse the person who did it. the scholars also agree that political money is forbidden.
If political money is still carried out, it is feared that it will affect decision making when later serving as an official such as:
- Political money pollutes democracy: because the existing votes are not the voice of the people's conscience, and the elected leaders may not be qualified, and it could be that in the future it will damage the country because from the beginning of the election using the money politics dirty, so I am sure that in office he will use the wrong way. the political system that is formed makes them reluctant to step down from office.
- Give birth to unfair leaders:Leaders who are formed from money politics will be arbitrary with the rules, this is because he will definitely try to return his wealth when in office and will become a leader who is willing to accept KKN (corruption, collusion, nepotism).
- Worsen the condition of the people:Money politics affects the people's economy because it will make the people's tools as a profit. The people will focus on working to sustain their lives and are not sensitive to the regulations made by the people's representatives that actually torment the people such as the increase in fuel, the increase in staples and the increase in taxes. when in fact the price has been increased many times over by several oknun in personal use. not surprising because this has been a system for a long time.
- Â Not blessed:Leaders who use ways to achieve positions with political money will not be blessed, what they eat will become haram and mandarah meat with what they eat, this will continue to their children and grandchildren.
Money politics can be concluded that the misuse of the election method by buying votes according to the Islamic view, this is strictly prohibited where it is stated in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 188 which clearly writes that it is forbidden to use money politics, because money politics is a big sin and God will give punishment in the form of curses that God himself cursed, because money politics if it occurs will be a misuse of power and influence decision making, money politics is also considered not in the interests of the people but personally. whereas Islam exemplifies to be a wise, fair, and honest leader. it is very clear that money politics does not reflect the elements of a good leader according to Islam. at this time many people ignore religious rules in politics even though if implemented it will be very good.
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