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M. Zaki Jarullah
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Ilmu Sosbud

3 Things That I'm Grateful in My Life

3 September 2024   22:59 Diperbarui: 3 September 2024   23:04 11
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Hi, I'm M Zaki Jarullah, and I'm 19 years old. In this piece, I want to share three things I am particularly grateful for.

Three things I am grateful for:
1. Healthy friendships
I am deeply grateful for the healthy friendships in my life. Having friends who support and understand me is invaluable. These relationships provide emotional support, joy, and a sense of belonging. They encourage me to be my best self and offer comfort during challenging times. I cherish these connections and the positive impact they have on my well-being.

2. Good physical posture
I appreciate having good physical posture, as it contributes significantly to my overall health and confidence. Proper posture helps prevent physical discomfort and pain, improves my breathing, and enhances my appearance. Being aware of and maintaining good posture is a small but crucial aspect of self-care that I am thankful for every day.

3. Being alive
I am profoundly thankful for the gift of life itself. Each day is an opportunity to experience new things, pursue my goals, and connect with others. The chance to live and enjoy life's moments, both big and small, is something I do not take for granted. Every breath I take and every moment I experience is a reminder of how fortunate I am to be alive.

To sum up, recognizing and appreciating my healthy friendships, my good posture, and the privilege of life itself helps me maintain a positive outlook. These aspects not only enhance my daily experiences but also remind me of the many reasons to be thankful.

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