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A staff at GJIS*, Bintaro Sector 9, Tangerang. *GJIS stands for Global Jaya International School. For more information about the school, please visit




The Long-awaited International Study Fair Was Here

12 Oktober 2010   05:17 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   12:30 17
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Bintaro, October 12, 2010 – Committed to always provide the best choice for its students and the surrounding community, Global Jaya International School hosted an International Study Fair on October 7, 2010. Held at the school’s gymnasium building, more than thirty top universities or other education institutions participated on this education fair. Those include Australian National University, Melbourne Universtiy, Monash University, Den Haag Hogeschool, Suffolk University and Prasetiya Mulya Business School.

Open for public, the regular annual event held in this International Baccalaureate curricula-based school, was aimed to provide students and their parents with as much information as possible on each participating universities or other education institutions’ admission process so they could prepare the process early in advance.

With the success of this year’s International Study Fair, Global Jaya International School has proven one of its commitments as the school which facilitates students who are eager to pursue high achievements and to be global leaders through their top favorite universities or other education institutions.

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