Mohon tunggu...
Yanuar Rahmadan
Yanuar Rahmadan Mohon Tunggu... European Studies major | International Relations enthusiast | Full-time Lecturer in Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta

Bekasi home-based | Alumni of Brawijaya University '14 and Aarhus University Denmark '21




Kenapa Balik ke Indonesia setelah Kuliah di Luar Negeri?

3 Februari 2023   11:25 Diperbarui: 3 Februari 2023   11:41 103
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Lyfe. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/8photo

I got a lot of question regarding this question, literally like a lot. Especially from people who doesn't know me well, or strangers who bump into conversation somehow.

People would assume that when someone pursue his/her study abroad, then he/she would eventually stay longer, either to work, or pursue a higher degree, or else. Which definitely not the case for me.

I have to admit that living abroad for sometime has set a new "the ideal of living condition". But at the same time also push another sentiment of not wanting to be thousand miles away from my closest ones -family, best friends.

People judge "Ih sayang banget", "Gak mau balik lagi emang?", "Kan di sana begini begitu, kalau disini begini begini"

People has their own idea of living abroad and I shouldn't judge. As I expect them not to judge my choice of coming back to Indonesia.

Family -seeing my parents are growing old each day, afraid of not having much time left to witness them is something I cannot bear, for now.

Best friends -living abroad has made me realize that I was all alone, the support systems that I needed the most is out of touch. Depressed, longing for warm embrace, bright smiles, endless laugh were something that longed the most back then.

It was not easy, at all.

I know I have survived, and I still can if I want to live abroad again.

But somehow, I am not ready, just yet, to live abroad a little longer.

Despite many personal reasons, lets talk about another thing.

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