Level 2, guru membuat penjelasan berdasarkan pengamatan. Ini contoh tulisan refleksi yang saya buat: The time to teach is very short, it is 90 minutes/week. I must use the time as effectively as possible. Whiteboard and marker save my preparation time. Besides, because not all classes equipped by LCD. Meanwhile, audio recording is always used by me because it helps the students to listen to how English word(s) is pronounced, how a conversation is carried out.
Level 3, pada refleksi mengajar seharusnya guru menjelaskan pembelajaran berdasarkan pengamatan dengan menggunakan technical terms atau istilah khusus dalam dunia mengajar. Cara ini menunjukkan bahwa guru menulis refleksi dengan melibatkan Technical Rationality.Â
Level 4, refleksi mengajar memuat penjelasan mengenai dampak pembelajaran pada siswa (descriptive rationality).Â
Level 5, refleksi yang menggunakan beragam perspektif, umumnya dari sudut guru dan siswa (Dialogic reflection). Ini refleksi yang saya buat: The motto that I use regularly in my class is "Reading to Learn, Reading to Write". This motto is to invite the students to love reading. If they read many kinds of text from various sources they can learn almost everything. If they can read, they will have something to share through writing.
Level 6, refleksi yang mengkaji seluruh aktivitas selama pembelajaran, apa pengaruhnya bagi guru, bagi siswa, bagi sekolah (critical reflection). Â Ini yang saya pernah tulis: The time to teach is very short, it is 90 minutes/week. I must use the time as effectively as possible.Â
Whiteboard and marker save my preparation time. Besides, because not all classes equipped by LCD. Meanwhile, audio recording is always used by me because it helps the students to listen to how English word(s) is pronounced, how a conversation is carried out. Letting the students listen to a native is the best way to introduce students to standard pronunciation. It represents my cultural belief that "Don't teach something you do not know, and don't teach the students with the incorrect lesson".Â
Because of that belief, I always remind my students to read. Read first, read how to use the word in a context, read how to pronounce the word, read how English is used in daily conversation. Reading is the door to get new knowledge, to learn something new, not only how to use English, but beyond that. Reading will bring the students to be good learners. I believe that teachers cannot change students, a teacher only can show how to change. The students themselves can change through their efforts. The first effort is reading.
Level 7, refleksi yang mengkaji dari aspek moral dan etika dan implikasinya bagi pendidikan di masa datang (reflection on action).
Melihat refleksi yang telah saya laksanakan dan rubrik menulis refleksi yang mengelompokkannya ke dalam 7 level membuat saya tersentak dari kemiskinan pengetahuan saya terkait profesi saya sendiri. Kinerja guru dilihat dari catatan refleksinya. Ketika guru melakukan refleksi yang hanya menceritakan bagaimana suasana kelas, apa yang terjadi di kelas, itu merupakan refleksi pada level 1 dan 2 yang memberikan manfaat sebagai rekaman pengalaman mengajar.
Saya telah tersesat jauh dalam urusan refleksi. Dengan keikutsertaan pada AE E-Teacher Program memberikan kesempatan kepada saya, dari sisi guru, untuk memperbaiki diri.Â
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