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May Lee
May Lee Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Just an ordinary woman who loves to write

Just an ordinary woman who loves to write



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[Novel] The Mirror [Chapter 7 (2/4)]

25 Juli 2023   19:13 Diperbarui: 25 Juli 2023   19:29 232
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The time flies by so fast, it's morning again in the Mirror World. Minseong, Daesun and Sikyung appeared from their mirror, looking all fresh and ready for the adventure. They are being introduced to Prince Bialaer and Prince Soulling (Minseong seems a little scared of them). Prince Soulling left the forest before the guardians. The elves said goodbye to the guardians as they took the opposite route as Prince Soulling's.

"What's awaited us in the end of the forest, Princess?" asked Minseong, walking side by side with Sungmi.

"As I remember, it used to be a wide river in front of us," answered Sungmi, "but it's so weird as I can't hear the sound of the water."

"Then maybe the river has become a land now. Maybe it has been a long time since Princess Sungmi came here," said Sikyung cheerfully while swaying her bow.

"Don't you guys feel weird since there is no sunlight that can pass through the forest in this area?" asked Myungwoo, "but we passed sunlight around half an hour ago."

Everyone turns around and understands what Myungwoo talked about. They clearly can see the sunlight passing through the dense forest far behind them, but it seems like they only have grayish clouds in the sky now.

"Or, it's because now they make... what do you call this?" asked Bonhwa, who walked alone in the front line, "a giant maze here."

Everybody (except Princess Sungmi and Bonhwa) gasped loudly. In front of them, they can see a tall grass wall, they can't see the end of the wall at the top or at the sides. Minseong ran to the left side and quickly disappeared from their sight. It looks like the maze only has one entrance and it's looking dark until they can't see what's inside the entrance.  And as the others were still in shock, he came back to them.

"I can't find the end of the maze."

"Who made this giant maze?" asked Minsook as he touched the wall, "it looks sturdy but... wait! Is it... a spell?"

"Right, Minsook, this maze is only a spell, but it's a very powerful spell. Someone is expecting us here," explained Sungmi, "I think we are getting close to the castle of Fred Country. It might be on the other side of this maze."

"So if we can break this maze, can we continue our journey?" asked Minsook who suddenly grabs his spell book out of nowhere.

"No one can break this maze no matter how powerful a person is."

"So what should we do?" asked Kichul, the three ends of his trident shining brightly.

"We can just pass through it. It won't be easy, so guardians, prepare yourself," said Sungmi while knocking the wall using her chain, "come on out. We are ready to play."

Sikyung was screaming and hiding a little behind Myungwoo as a golden statue slid closer from the dark entrance. It's shining so bright until they need time to recognize what's coming to them: it's a sphinx. It's more mythical than the sphinx that Myungwoo ever saw in the news: it has human (male) face with long wavy black hair, its body looks sturdy and full of muscles; however it doesn't have human lower body but it has lion lower body including the tail; and it's sitting on an altar while its right leg is holding a crystal ball against the altar. The sphinx is so big that they thought the sphinx was a statue, but it finally talked and made Sikyung scream once again.

"Kim Sungmi, Kim Myungwoo, Cho Bonhwa, Kim Minseong, Lee Daesun, Park Minsook, Choi Kichul and Kang Sikyung. I've been expecting all of you here."

It talked with a deep and loud voice, Myungwoo found it familiar, just like Prince Bialaer's voice when he talked. 

"I know you must be expecting us to solve your riddles. So tell us the riddles."

"I know that all of you love games, you know, like your training session."

"They love games. So what do you mean by that?"

"So instead of riddles, how about all of you try to win the mini game inside to pass through the maze?"

"Mini game sounds not bad," said Bonhwa, looking excited.

"It doesn't sound bad if it doesn't involve the incident where you might lose your head in it," said Sungmi in a dangerous tone. 

"Always being careful, the Princess, as always," said the sphinx, "so yes, unlike your training session, if you die in the process, then you will really die."

"Now it doesn't sound fun anymore," said Myungwoo, while Bonhwa nodded his head beside him, "how if we don't wanna play?"

"It doesn't seem like you have another choice. Even if you run to the west or east, it will be covered with the maze, and to add one more thing," said the sphinx, "you know what is this right?"

The sphinx purposely rolled the crystal ball under his paw a bit and the crystal ball now shining bright green color.

"No way. Is that...?" asked Minsook, his eyes widened in surprise.

"It's what you need, right? It's the magic ball of Fred Country."

"Why did you have... no wait," said Sungmi, she clearly is thinking about something so hard, "wait. Does that mean...?"

"Yes, the king and the queen were chased by the guardians then they chose to keep this magic ball safe. They combine their power to form me and let me keep it. I don't know where the king and queen are now, but they said the only way to get the magic ball is to pass through me and my game."

"The other guardians? Did he talk about evil guardians? Where are they now, are they playing the game now?" asked Bonhwa.

"I will not tell anything about the player, that's my rules."

"You're right, Princess, the evil guardians are after the magic balls too," said Minseong.

"At least, even though they are so powerful, they can't cheat now. If they want the magic ball, they need to enter the maze and play the game too. Such a brilliant thought from the king and queen," explained Sungmi, "I thought the evil guardian created the maze but apparently, the king and queen made it. At least, now our chance to get the magic ball is 50-50."

"So now let's go and finish up the game quickly so we can get the magic ball before the evil guardians," said Daesun.

"That's right. But rather than quick, you all must be safe too. Your life is more important than the magic balls, at least we already keep one safe with us. Do you guys understand?"

"Copy that, Princess," said Myungwoo.

"Now we are ready. Tell us the rules of the game."

"Alright, it's going to be fun. I know you guys bring mirrors with you where the guardians can teleport themselves in and out of the mirror world using that thing. Once you enter the maze, you can't enter or leave the mirror world without using your mirror in the save spot. The ability to teleport in the maze is also disabled. You all need to divide yourself in four groups, and yes, including those mirrors. Just finish up the mission inside and find the way out," explained the sphinx.

"Then how do you determine the winner?" asked Myungwoo.

"There are only two ways out in the maze and it's determined from the first alley that you will choose. So once these two groups exit the maze, the maze will break down and the game will end."

"Understandable," said Daesun, "and quite simple."

"But what's different from your training is that you're using your real life now. Don't hope that you guys will be automatically healed or resurrected after you win the game," explained the sphinx, "so be wise. And one more thing. After you get in, you can only move forward. If you walk or run backward, you'll be killed."

"That part doesn't sound good," said Minsook while sighing heavily.

"Now I will give you guys five minutes to decide on the group."

Sikyung takes out twelve mirrors and arranges them on the ground. Myungwoo is kneeling in front of it and thinks hard.

"The leader of each group should be the one who has a high level. It means me, Princess Sungmi, Bonhwa and..."

"Me," Minseong said, "hyeong, I have already reached level 10."

"But Daejoon also already reached level 10."

"But I have more experience than Daejoon hyeong."

"Minseong is right," said Bonhwa wisely, "I know you want to keep Minseong close to you, but he can go by himself now, hyeong. Moreover, Minseong is so strong. He caught the girl evil guardian, remember?"

"Hyeong, I promised I'll stay safe. And I won't let you down," begs Minseong.

"Alright. Just if you swear you won't break your promise."

"I swear, hyeong."

Myungwoo let out a long sigh before separating three mirrors belonging to him, Bonhwa and Minseong.

"Then I'll put Daejoon in group four led by Minseong," said Myungwoo before he put Daejoon's mirror next to Minseong's.

"I think it would be better if we separate them," suggested Daesun, "maybe you don't know that they have telepathy ability which will be so useful for us."

"Oh, right. Then I'll put Daejoon into group three led by Bonhwa."

"Alright, Daejoon will be with me," said Bonhwa cheerfully just like he just won a lucky prize.

"Minsook will join Minseong while Kichul will join Princess Sungmi's group," said Myungwoo, "any idea?"

"Sounds good, hyeong," said Minsook as he moved closer to Minseong.

Kichul is nodding and quietly walking behind Sungmi.

"I'll take Minjoon with me," decided Myungwoo as he take Minjoon's mirror, "Eunkyung noona will join Minseong's group."

"I think my group will be really strong if we have her," said Minseong while giggling, "you guys should see how brave she is."

"Daesun will be with Bonhwa and Sikyung will follow Princess Sungmi's group."

Daesun is standing next to Bonhwa before Sikyung moves to Princess Sungmi's side, while Kichul is standing on the other side of her. He is sure that Sikyung will be much safer with Princess Sungmi rather than with him.

"Hyunki will join me," decided Myungwoo, "while Joochan should join Minseong's group."

Princess Sungmi is thinking hard while staring at the mirror on the ground and to the people around her. Myungwoo currently is alone while he holding Minjoon's and Hyunki's mirrors; Sikyung and Kichul are standing side by side behind her; Daesun is standing next to Bonhwa while holding Daejoon's mirror; and Minseong and Minsook standing together while holding Joochan's and Eunkyung's mirror.

"My group will be the strongest while Minseong's group will be the weakest, but at least they have healers. Bonhwa's group will be just fine since there are two level ten guardians there," said Sungmi, "but will you be okay, Myungwoo? I know you are strong and Minjoon will be just okay, but Hyunki will be your weak point. And you have no healer there. I'm thinking of moving either Joochan or Eunkyung to your group, so at least you'll have a healer too."

"You're right, Princess. I think I'll take Joochan with me," said Myungwoo, then Minseong gives Joochan's mirror to Myungwoo.

"Alright, this is the best we can do. I'll awaken more guardians with us in your world and we'll make sure all of us work hard until we step out of the maze."

"Let's break this maze," said Bonhwa, turning around and facing the entrance of the maze.

"Be quick and the magic ball will be yours," said the sphinx as it slid to the side and let the entrance open clear in front of them, "you all can walk together and separate on the first intersection."

They walk quietly as they enter the maze while holding their shining weapons in front of them. The maze is quite wide as it can contain four people walking together side by side while the others follow their group leader. After walking around three meters, they find four intersections in front of them. Without any command, all heads are staring at Minsook.

"Eh? Why? What?" asked Minsook, confused.

"Prophecy. Did you see any?" asked Myungwoo.

Minsook knows he can't force a prophecy to come, and his prophecy doesn't work for quite some time, but he tries to walk in front of the intersection. After a while, he still doesn't see anything.

"There is no prophecy, but I have a feeling," said Minsook, "so do you guys still wanna trust it?"

"Rather than nothing," said Myungwoo, "I better trust you."

"So I think the alley in the right corner has bad energy," he pointed to the alley with his staff, "I didn't think it had the way out either."

"Doesn't it sound like the alley is fit for us?" asked Princess Sungmi, smiling bitterly, "at least if what we should do is to endure and try to live, we have a chance to hold on."

"The alley beside it," Minsook pointed again, "it has a lighter aura, even though I still don't have a feeling the way out is here."

"If the aura is lighter, I think our group will just try this alley," said Minseong.

"I think so, let's go to this alley," said Minsook while nodding his head, "and beside it... it does have a lighter aura too but I don't feel the way out either... I'm sorry. I must be wrong because I haven't felt any way out at all."

"Don't blame yourself, Minsook, no hard feelings, really," said Myungwoo, trying to calm Minsook.

"But this one is different!" Minsook pointed to the last alley at the left, "the aura is strong, it might contain a lot of bad things, but I can feel something in the end of it. I think this one might be the way out!"

Myungwoo and Bonhwa are looking at each other.

"You choose, hyeong," said Bonhwa, "we'll just take the rest."

"We'll take the very left one, so Bonhwa, you take the right one," decided Myungwoo.

"You'll be alone for some time until you can find the safe spot. Are you sure about that, hyeong?"

"I'll be okay. I'm not the leader for nothing, right?"

Minseong goes to hug Myungwoo while the others are cheering calmly. Myungwoo pats Minseong's back lightly.

"Don't worry hyeong, me and Eunkyung noona will take care of Minseong," said Minsook, trying to reassure Myungwoo.

"Or he is the one who is gonna take care of you," said Kichul while laughing softly.

A while later, all of them are getting ready in front of the alleys.

"Let's enter together," suggested Myungwoo.

"See you soon everyone," said Bonhwa cheerfully, "and stay safe!"

And once they step into the alley, the condition around them turns darker. Bonhwa (who carries the backpack consists of potions and Daejoon's mirror) and Daesun walk side by side. All the things they can see are just grass walls on their sides and they only can listen to their steps on the grassland under their feet.

"What do you think is awaited us, Bonhwa?"

"If Minsook's prediction is true, it means nothing really hard is gonna block our way. Maybe all we should do is pretend all of this is just a practice session, hyeong," said Bonhwa happily.

"If that's true, it means we are really lucky."

Suddenly the wall in front of them is getting wider as they enter a big dark room. Something noisy behind them takes their focus away. As Daesun turns his head, the alley behind them is blocked by roots and branches until the alley is fully closed. Far in front of them, he also hears the same noise.

"There must be something we should do to exit this room," said Daesun, getting ready with his bow.

"Something light and refreshing? Like them?"

Bonhwa pointed far away with his trident and Daesun can see transparent things appear from the walls: ghosts! There are quite many of them and Daesun gives up counting them.

"It's been a long time since we found ghosts, right, hyeong?" asked Bonhwa, "let's fight them!"

Even though he and Bonhwa are having fun fighting the ghosts, something feels off for Daesun. Something about this maze and its trick doesn't feel right for him. More ghosts appear as they keep killing the ghosts: Bonhwa is having fun with his trident while Daesun is practicing his telekinetic skill (apparently there are a lot of small rocks he can use to throw it against the ghosts).

"Bonhwa, don't you think that they seem like multiplying themselves?" asked Daesun, now choosing to use his bow and arrows.

"It seems like that but I guess somehow they will all die in our hands, hyeong."

Daesun is using two arrows at the same time and his accuracy is getting better: he never missed any of the ghosts. The ghosts are screaming in pain as they get injured or annihilated by the two guardians.

"Hyeong, I think your level will increase after we pass this room!" compliment Bonhwa as he stabs his trident behind him without even turning his head around: a ghost just got killed.

"Then I'll be fighting them diligently."

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
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  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10
  11. 11
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